Uno dei nostri browser per Android preferiti, oltre a DuckDuckGo Browser e Bromite è senz'altro Firefox Preview. Dategli una possibilità e probabilmente non ne rimarrete delusi! 🦊
#alternative #firefox #firefoxpreview #9agosto #chrome #android
#firefox #firefoxpreview #9agosto #chrome #android #alternative
Abbiamo parlato molto di browser questa settimana. Uno dei nostri preferiti è Firefox Preview: semplice e sicuro, adatto davvero a tutti!
#alternative #android #browser #chrome #firefox #firefoxpreview #privacy #13giugno
#alternative #firefox #firefoxpreview #android #browser #chrome #privacy #13giugno
Fenix: Firefox Preview 5.1 / Firefox 77 Beta für Android veröffentlicht
#mozilla #firefox #FirefoxPreview #beta #browser #fenix
#mozilla #firefox #firefoxpreview #beta #browser #fenix
Firefox Preview - Ein erster Eindruck | Bluelupo Me
Mit Firefox Preview stellt Mozilla den zukünftigen Browser für Android für die breite Masse zum Testen bereit. Hier im Blog mein erster Erfahrungsbericht dazu.
#Mozilla #FirefoxPreview #Browser #Android
#browser #mozilla #firefoxpreview #android
The best bit of #FirefoxPreview is that you can jump straight away into private browsing mode with a shortcut on the Home screen.
There used to be an (Android) intent to open links straight in private browsing, but that option was removed later. At least, Firefox Lite still offers it.
Even with #uBlockOrigin, it seems like Preview beat ye olde Fennec Firefox by a few milliseconds during launch - seriously it's faster!
Not really sure how #FirefoxPreview looks like on Android tablets. The plain #Firefox for Android reckons my phone is a tablet because I've set the smallest display size.
Recent #FirefoxPreview update has brought back the snappiness of it. The previous two updates apparently, were janky.
Good job!
Finally, when Reddit redesign recognises other browsers than Google Chrome
Nous avons traduit le billet de blog de Mozilla sur les extensions dans le nouveau Firefox pour Android #Fenix #FirefoxPreview
I sure would like tree style tabs on my mobile phone (if you think phones deserve fewer features I hate that and you're probably a terrible person).
Since #Fenix / #FirefoxPreview is already gaining extension support the #XPosed mod required would be quite simple ...
#fenix #firefoxpreview #xposed
Les extensions dans le nouveau Firefox pour Android #Fenix #FirefoxPreview
On that btw: #FirefoxForAndroid is internally called #Fennec, which is a beautiful name and appropriate for a very different piece of software, but almost completely unknown publicly.
Similarly #Fenix was quickly renamed to #FirefoxPreview after release.
#firefoxforandroid #fennec #fenix #firefoxpreview
What irritated me most about #Fenix(btw, also name your browsers appropriately publicly pls, Mozilla)'s bottom toolbar when I first saw it was that when clicked it would rise from the complete bottom to the absolute top. That's a huge issue for an average thumb on an average phone screen, additionally to extra cognitive load.
The solution is easy: Just raise it above the keyboard.
#firefoxpreview обновился до версии 3.0 Наконец то в нём можно добавлять свои поисковые системы! 🎉🎊🎉
Об остальных нововведениях в новом :firefox: #firefox тут:
When is the #progressivewebapp support currently in #firefoxpreview nightly going to make it to the production release? Currently using #bromite for PWAs on my phone.
#progressivewebapp #firefoxpreview #bromite
Réunion communautaire des modules complémentaires 2019 à Londres #ExtensionsRecommandées #WebExtensions #API #ManifestV3 #Android #FirefoxPreview /@mozamo #news
#news #firefoxpreview #android #manifestv3 #api #webextensions #ExtensionsRecommandées
Progress on Web Share in #FirefoxPreview! (and other Gecko & Android Components powered browsers)
Initial support for the Web Share Target API in #FirefoxPreview
Support for #PWA and Trusted Web Activities is now live in #FirefoxPreview Nightly!
You can now install progressive web apps to the home screen from the browser, and open web apps installed from Google Play inside Firefox. 🔥🦊
Initial support for the Web Share Target API in #FirefoxPreview