Advices welcome, especially about:
- Securing external connections to my #synology
- Alternatives to #FirefoxSync
- Avoiding that emails sent from my own domain are considered as spam (are there privacy-minded SMTP servers to avoid such issues?)
After my debacle with #Apple (using their « advanced data protection » that actually corrupted all my data), time to move away from the very last #GAFAM service I was using: #icloud.
Monday, I get and configure my #Synology #NAS. I will #selfhost: pictures and home videos, email, contacts, calendar, reminders, notes, files.
#firefoxsync will be my bookmarks, history and passwords manager.
I’ll keep #AppleMusic for convenience, for now.
Wish me luck! 💪🏼
PS: any advice is welcome 😅
#Apple #gafam #icloud #synology #nas #selfhost #firefoxsync #applemusic
I am trying to enable firefox sync (latest and greatest firefox version for win10), but as soon as I have logged in, it logs me off again and no sync ever happens. It happens over and over again.
Anyone have a fix for this?
#firefox #firefoxsync #broken #needfix
@richards Will @mozilla ever release the code to a #FirefoxSync server that does not use #Python2?
@bigMouthCommie Ah, thanks. I'd settle initially for mail accounts if that were possible. More research, and I found a thread by @killyourfm over here that the #FirefoxSync feature for #thunderbird was planned as of the writing time, to be in a 115 point release. I'll wait.
J'ai une question firefox Sync. J'ai trois appareils que j'aimerais pouvoir synchroniser, mais pas de la même manière.
Entre mes deux appareils privés, j'aimerais synchroniser plus ou moins la totale, mais avec le troisième, j'aimerais ne rien synchroniser, juste avoir la possibilité d'envoyer des onglets de l'un à l'autre.
Mais à chaque fois que je fais un réglage sur un, ça reporte sur le tout. #alèd
#firefoxsync #sync #firefox #aled
@panigrc Can #Firefox #FirefoxSync really be #SelfHosted? points at which says "Note that this repository is no longer being maintained. Use this at your own risk, and with the understanding that it is not being maintained, work is being done on its replacement, and that no support or assistance will be offered." and "docker build repo not found".
#firefox #firefoxsync #selfhosted
Bon mon zinzinternet ! Je galère avec tous mes liens Firefox (qui sont réparti sur plusieurs périphériques).
Je me demande si je dois passer par un combo #shaarli + #wallabag (via #yunohost) ou un compte #firefox 🤔
Il semble que #firefoxsync ne soit plus maintenu.
Je me demande aussi si je ne ferai pas tout dans #nextcloud 🤔
Des idées / retours ? 🙂
#nextcloud #firefoxsync #firefox #yunohost #wallabag #shaarli
Me está tocando taaaanto la moral #Web de #Gnome ahora que activé #FirefoxSync para usar, de momento, #Firefox. Una cosa es tal o cual fallo. Ahora me está haciendo perder el tiempo, joder.
#web #gnome #firefoxsync #firefox
What are your opinions to #firefoxsync ? Is it trustworthy and reliable? As I see I have to set up an extra #firefox account. The solution of #brave works without an extra account. Are there any other good methods to sync #bookmarks and #extension ? What do you think?
#firefoxsync #firefox #brave #bookmarks #extension
@cr0n0s en los FAQ está la forma de habilitar firefox sync:
Con eso habilitado me daba un error 500 al tratar de conectar, lo que se soluciona agregando la siguiente línea al archivo de config override:
defaultPref("privacy.resistFingerprinting", false);
Una vez que habilitas la sincronización, se puede quitar esa línea.
#librewolf #firefoxsync #firefox
From memory there is an app in #Nextcloud (and/or maybe #Yunohost) that makes a #FirefoxSync sever significantly easier to set up.
#firefoxsync #yunohost #nextcloud
After having migrated my #yunohost server to the latest version 11, the #FirefoxSync server it was hosting stopped working, since it was running on python2 and is not being maintained by #mozillla anymore.
So now I'm looking for another way to synchronize my #firefox data that I can #selfHost. I'm talking about my history, tabs, addons, ...
Do you know of a tool or some kind of hack to achieve this?
#yunohost #firefoxsync #mozillla #firefox #selfhost
Suite à la migration de mon serveur #yunohost vers la version 11, mon serveur #FirefoxSync qui y était hébergé ne fonctionne plus, et pour cause, le projet source n'est plus maintenu par #mozilla apparemment.
Du coup je cherche une alternative, pas à #firefox mais un autre moyen de synchroniser mes configurations, onglets, historiques entre tous mes firefox que je puisse héberger moi-même.
Vous connaissez un outil ou un quelconque hack éprouvé pour y arriver?
#yunohost #firefoxsync #mozilla #firefox
@thunderbird Question: What will be the benefit of integrating #FirefoxSync? Will it be used to sync your settings, accounts, addons and so on across Thunderbird instances?
Wieso lassen sich im #Firefox für #Android bzw. #Fennec eigentlich keine Lesezeichen exportieren? Nein, ich will euren ollen Sync-Dienst nicht #Mozilla, von dem ihr es nicht schafft den aktuellen code offen zu legen. 🙄 Hat vielleicht jemand noch eine andere Idee?
#FirefoxAndroid #FirefoxSync
#firefoxsync #firefoxandroid #mozilla #fennec #android #firefox
Synchronisez anonymement vos bookmarks entre tous vos navigateurs #xbrowsersync #Navigateurs #firefoxsync #bookmarks #libre
#libre #bookmarks #firefoxsync #navigateurs #xbrowsersync
Got #nextcloud #bookmarks up and running with this tutorial in 5min. Imported my bookmarks from #firefox and deleted my #firefoxsync account.
#firefoxsync #firefox #bookmarks #nextcloud
Quick question about #FirefoxSync: is there a way to see a list of tabs that have been recently sent to a device?
J'ai une question à propos de #FirefoxSync : comment est-ce que je peux avoir la liste des onglets récemment envoyés à un appareil ? Mon Firefox n'a pas affiché les onglets que j'y avais envoyé pendant un mois, c'est un peu nul.