There are many useful online services that focus on a specific feature of #openstreetmap, such as for coverage by #FireHydrants and #FireStations.
For #Vienna🇦🇹 it offers #OpenData by @datagvat to help #OSM mappers to find and map hydrants. Unfortunately, the #OSMHydrant site is apparently not maintained anymore and while it shows the latest OSM data via #OverpassTurbo, it ignores latest #OpenData updates. Please do not blindly rely on it.
#OverpassTurbo #osmhydrant #osm #opendata #vienna #firestations #firehydrants #openstreetmap
Things I like and/or do/create and would also like to follow others who grok: #glass #jewelry #MetalSmith #DuranDuran #FireHydrants #Lampwork #ArtGlass #cats #GlassArt #SilverJewelry #WaterColor #Sketching #ThomasDolby #PeterGabriel #noodles #infrastructure #MagicalRealism #fiction #novels #books #whales #ocean #Oregon #OregonCoast.
#glass #jewelry #metalsmith #duranduran #firehydrants #lampwork #artglass #Cats #glassart #silverjewelry #watercolor #sketching #thomasdolby #petergabriel #noodles #infrastructure #magicalrealism #fiction #novels #books #whales #ocean #oregon #oregoncoast