Fire prone INVASIVE grasses common in the old cane fields.
Cenchrus ciliaris (buffel grass)
Melinis repens and Melinis minutiflora (molasses grass)
Megathyrsus maximus (Guinea grass)
See old field boundaries in this Google map.
Intraspecific variability of #serotiny in #Pinus banksiana
Rear-edge populations (with low #fire frequency) are less serotinous & more variably than range-core #fireprone pops where serotiny is more uniformly high, by Pelletier et al #JEcol
That is, results for Pinus banksiana (boreal) are quite similar to those for P. halepensis & P. pinaster (mediterranean species).
#pinaceae #trees #fireecology #jecol #fireprone #fire #pinus #serotiny