💜 Loved this new #Fireship video about #TypeScript
I have been advocating for #JSDoc instead of going full TS for years.
#fireship #typescript #jsdoc #Frontend #JavaScript #webdevelopment
Juggling a lot of different projects means dealing with a lot of different frameworks/technologies which usually would be taxing and difficult, but #Fireship has truly been an invaluable resource for me.
Those 100-second explanations really get you up to speed with the language/framework/library/whatever-specific quirks and features much better than most #documentation 🔥
#fireship #documentation #webdev #javascript #typescript
@datenritter @frainfostudent people like @fuchsiii would rather point to #neovim and people like @fireship_dev@bird.makeup / #fireship will recommend adding #NvChad to it for ease of use but #nano and #ne work just fine if one needs to rarely change stuff...
#ne #nano #nvchad #fireship #neovim
Ok I have to admit I didnt know that SvelteKit did automatic global state management.
In react most of the time my challenge is global & local state management.
I understand why Front-end devs love SvelteKit.
#svelte #sveltekit #webdev #fireship
Get your brainswaves via javascript; feed it to gpt:
Even #Fireship has now covered Silicon Valley Bank. It will be an interesting week. https://youtu.be/nMdwS3A6zck #SVB
I have been reading about this in newsletters, but nothing beats a short and compact video from #fireship . Deno is more attractive now.
🌐 Web App Rendering Patterns
#fireShip explains various #web application #rendering #patterns especially for people just starting out web development in easy terms.
#fireship #web #rendering #patterns #webdev #javascript #html
Thanks for putting this out #Fireship 👏 Keeps me posted on dev trends I should look out for.
🔥 FireShip must watch video
#fireShip 's latest video is on the money & highlights all latest trends, confirms alot of my own conclusions about #webdev & popular #languages & #frameworks
#fireship #webdev #languages #frameworks #javascript #rust #reactjs
O cara do canal Fireship.io consegue criar um mix harmonioso de informações úteis, memes podres e shitpost. Tá de parabéns.
#javascript #programming #fireship
Thanks for this tip, nosh! 🤛
I just watched that video. While it's fast paced it is still a good source to go through the most essential concepts of the #JavaScript language for repetition. I just found out where I need to put in more work to improve my #JavaScript skills. I'm sure the #FireShip course is a great course to learn #JavaScript. Not sure if it is very beginner friendly, but for people switching it's a blast. Thanks!
#FireShip explains #JavaScript in less than 13 seconds.
this is the easiest & shortest javascript tutorial you can watch.
#promises & #AsyncAwait explained as well.
#fireship #javascript #promises #asyncawait
Bravo #fireship really knows how to deliver maximum knowledge in a short span of time 👏🏼
#fireship #solidjs #SolidStart #javascript
I would like to try to quit caffeine in the next few weeks.
My goal is to get less anxious and improve my sleep - which is not deep most of the time.
I got inspired by a video from the author of the famous Fireship YouTube channel. I never connected anxiousness to caffeine until Jeff described his experience:
I drink double espresso two times a day.
Did anyone go through the same thing? What was your experience?
#coffee #development #developers #sleep #fireship
When a javascript framework gets acquired:
#javascript #remix #react #fireship #shopify