É um jogo esquisito. Eu gostei muito de ter jogado, mas achei desnecessário ter que jogar 3x pra jogar todas as missões (que são muitas)
o jogo é divertido e se voce nao mudar seus equipamentos a cada missão pode parecer meio tenso, mas é só ir se adaptando que a dificuldade é ok
vale a pena se voce gosta de mechas e de jogos de ação, mas n tem uma história ou lore mto memorável ou interessante
#ac6 #armoredcore6 #acvi #armoredcorevi #firesofrubicon
Is it just me, or are double Songbirds a little overpowered? I guess the old saying is true: got a big tough problem? Use a gun. And if that don't work, use MORE gun
#ArmoredCore6 #FiresofRubicon
Still getting spanked by the Juggernaut, but at least I have more silly stickers.
#ArmoredCore6 #FiresOfRubicon
"Coral energy had the potential to transform society"? I guess blowing up a solar system is technically a transformation...
But besides that? Corporate parasites and merc dogs are still fighting over the bones of a dying world. In that sense, nothing has changed since The Great Destruction.
#ArmoredCore6 #FiresofRubicon
Modest customization efforts have begun. Also, I'm glad I held onto a USB thumb drive.
#ArmoredCore6 #FiresOfRubicon
#ArmoredCore6 comes out next week and I am now at the point of being so excited I want to consume as much content about it as I possible can
Not wanting to spoil it so I can experience everything for myself.
Thankfully Family, Partner, and friends are busy next weekend so I get to spend my birthday immersed in one of my all time favorite franchises.
This old Raven is looking forward to getting back in the cockpit.
#armoredcore6 #gaming #fromsoft #videogames #firesofrubicon
I love #FromSoftware. Ever since I fell in love with #DemonsSouls on the PS3 in 2010.
So I was interested in their forthcoming #PS5 #ArmoredCore game, #ArmoredCore6: #FiresOfRubicon.
I just watched the trailer.
I think I'll pass.
Graphically the game looks impressive.
But that voice acting. Jesus, it's awful. Stilted, unnatural dialogue delivered by voice actors who are utterly expressionless.
I'm not going to listen to that for 20-30 hours.
Have a listen.
#fromsoftware #demonssouls #ps5 #armoredcore #armoredcore6 #firesofrubicon
Dez anos depois do último título, eis que #FromSoftware anuncia #ArmoredCoreVI #FiresOfRubicon. Para os fãs de mechas, terão uma nova oportunidade de explorar um novo planeta num ambiente pós-catastrófico.
#moshbitgaming #firesofrubicon #armoredcorevi #fromsoftware
Lots of good Armored Core VI info here.
No crazy specific details but conveyance of the developers philosophy which I find is usually more insightful.
RT @BandaiNamcoSEA
Watch here: https://youtu.be/UmAFpsU0XRE
#bandainamco #fromsoftware #firesofrubicon #armoredcorevi
#BandaiNamco lässt die Mech-Reihe #ArmoredCore wieder auferstehen: Ein erster #Trailer stimmt uns auf #FiresOfRubicon ein, das nächstes Jahr für PC und Konsole erscheint. #TheGameAwards #TGA2022 #ArmoredCore6 https://winfuture.de/videos/Spiele/Armored-Core-6-Der-naechste-Teil-der-Mech-Reihe-wurde-angekuendigt-24677.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia
#bandainamco #armoredcore #trailer #firesofrubicon #thegameawards #tga2022 #armoredcore6
RT @armoredcore@twitter.com
Temper (verb): The process of strengthening steel by applying extreme heat, then quenching in oil.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/armoredcore/status/1602377773426810882
#armoredcorevi #firesofrubicon
I have no idea what Armored Core is, but this trailer is so incredibly cool. holy fuck
RT @armoredcore@twitter.com
From the legendary minds at @fromsoftware_pr@twitter.com, the #ARMOREDCORE series blazes a brand-new trail in ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/armoredcore/status/1601060298596634624
#fromsoftware #firesofrubicon #armoredcore
RT @armoredcore@twitter.com
From the legendary minds at @fromsoftware_pr@twitter.com, the #ARMOREDCORE series blazes a brand-new trail in ARMORED CORE VI FIRES OF RUBICON.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/armoredcore/status/1601060298596634624
#firesofrubicon #fromsoftware #armoredcore
From Software bringt als nächstes #ArmoredCoreVI #FiresOfRubicon
#armoredcorevi #firesofrubicon #gameawards