· @ff7
100 followers · 1369 posts · Server freiburg.social

baut eine Verbindung zu firestore.googleapis.com auf - ohne vorherige Interaktion mit der App oder sonst wie Einwilligung. Die Begründung, die mir mitgeteilt wurde, ist:

> Der Request an die -URL, den Sie beobachtet haben, ist einem Sicherheitsfeature geschuldet. Mehr darüber darf ich Ihnen leider momentan nicht sagen, weil wir uns hier ja im Kontext der kritischen Infrastrukturen bewegen.


#stromgedacht #firestore #google #datenschutz

Last updated 1 year ago

nico.dev · @nicomartin
45 followers · 20 posts · Server mas.to

To accompany this, I have summarized a few of my thoughts in a short series of articles:

First up some steps on how to get started with a @firebase project, DB and

#cloudfunctions #firebase #firestore

Last updated 1 year ago

Two strategies to build a Disaster Recovery (DR) process for Google Cloud Firestore, which lacks multi-region support, are explored in the article. The strategies focus on Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO), two measurements that drive a Business Continuity Plan. medium.com/google-cloud/archit

#DisasterRecovery #googlecloud #firestore

Last updated 2 years ago

Palle M. Pedersen · @cognisoft
1 followers · 1 posts · Server indieweb.social

It’s wonderful that v 1.0 is now realeased. And for me it is important that plain is still maintained as it perfectly fits the kind of single page apps I do for online delivered rehabilitation. and has made it realistical to develop a comprehensive aphasia rehab system for Danish language stroke victims as a sole developer while also doing some clinical work.

#firestore #aphasia #svelte #sveltekit

Last updated 2 years ago

Sven Tiffe :bazel: · @sven
176 followers · 240 posts · Server techisland.social

Poking around with Google , for the first time since many years. As "new" user, I find the documentation extremely confusing. I hardly understand the impact of choosing Java 11 (as opposed to Java 8 and the old GAE services) and the difference between in the Cloud Console vs in Firebase (and how Cloud and Firebase relate and how the SDKs relate to each other and whether there is a difference).

Why is this so complicated? Or am I missing something?

#Cloud #datastore #firestore

Last updated 2 years ago

Jay :verified_gay: · @heyjaywilson
132 followers · 140 posts · Server iosdev.space

it's all currently working, but it needs to be optimized a lot more...

#firestore #react

Last updated 2 years ago

Joe Muller · @Muller
61 followers · 74 posts · Server fosstodon.org

This is mostly just an excuse for me to play with the TTL policies... ...but hey, maybe it will turn into something cool



Last updated 2 years ago