The Tyee: A Fire Tornado? Yes, They’re Real — and Dangerous #bcnews #TheTyee - via #Queen’sInstituteforEnergyandEnvironmentalPolicy #DarkDaysatNoon:TheFutureofFire #pyrocumulonimbusstorms #Dirtythunderstorms #GreatPorcupinefire #GunLakefiretornado #BCWildfireService #BCwildfires2023 #MattMacDonald #firetornado #Firewhirls #EdStruzik
#BCNews #TheTyee #queen #darkdaysatnoon #pyrocumulonimbusstorms #dirtythunderstorms #greatporcupinefire #gunlakefiretornado #bcwildfireservice #bcwildfires2023 #mattmacdonald #firetornado #firewhirls #edstruzik
A massive, out-of-control #fire burning across both #California and #Nevada is generating extreme fire behavior, spawning “fire whirls” and creating dangerous conditions for firefighters, authorities said.
By Nouran Salahieh, Aug 1, 2023
"These fire whirls are similar to dust devils but are specifically associated with the heat & energy released by a wildfire"
#FireWhirls #ExtremeWeather #Wildfires #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
#fire #california #nevada #firewhirls #extremeweather #wildfires #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis