Miss this month's #FirstAidFriday? Catch up now!
It's #FirstAidFriday on Good Day PA and today, we're talking about Vision Zero and the quest for 0 preventable road deaths.
Learn more by tuning in life at 10am!
Did you miss #FirstAidFriday on #RipCurrents? Catch up now!
It's a #FirstAidFriday on Good Day PA!
Today, we're talking about Rip Current Safety at the beach.
- Rip currents pull you OUT, not Under. Fighting against them causes fatigue, which causes drowning
- Rip currents can be stronger than even the best olympic swimmers.
Learn more and some safety tips live at 10am on abc27!
Just had to use my first aid skills in town. Older chap in cafรฉ missed a step while turning to thank staff. I heard the commotion inc. glass smashing (a display bottle of wine). I made sure he was OK, sat and chatted with him while I finished my coffee. Staff brought him some water. I walked up to Boots with him as we were both going there, and found him some arnica cream as he will be very bruised. Lovely chap, very embarrassed (tbh itโs something I would do!!!).
Wintertime can look lovely, but for those with loved ones at risk of wandering, the cold temperatures can be deadly. On tomorrows #FirstAidFriday on Good Day PA on ABC27, we're looking at how to support loved ones with health conditions that lead to wandering stay safely in their homes.