#FirstAuthor Intekhab Hossain is happy to answer questions and guide users through the setup process.
Check out this video if you want to learn more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTkvgdcPEx8
New first-authored #scientific #publication in @PNASNews with Edouard Bard (Collège de France and CEREGE)!
We revisit the #thermal bipolar seesaw using #PaleoTemperature records from the #IberianMargin!
#Science #Paper #FirstAuthor
#PaleoClimate #PaleoClimates
#ClimateChanges #AbruptClimateChange
#SeaSurfaceTemperature #SST
#ClimateProxies #GDGTs #RIOH #Alkenones #UK37
#NorthAtlantic #AtlanticOcean #Atlantic #Ocean
#AtlanticMeridionalOverturningCirculation #AMOC
https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2209558120 (1/20)
#scientific #publication #Thermal #paleotemperature #iberianmargin #science #paper #firstauthor #paleoclimate #Paleoclimates #climatechanges #abruptclimatechange #seasurfacetemperature #sst #climateproxies #gdgts #rioh #alkenones #uk37 #northatlantic #atlanticocean #atlantic #ocean #atlanticmeridionaloverturningcirculation #amoc
#gyoza #dumpling #food #collaboration #science #chinese #japanese #firstauthor #corresponding #manuscript
#paper #publication
This is the result of a fruitful collaboration by four scientists 😄 two prepared the filling - two did wrapping - one did both 😀
Who will be the first author or the corresponding author ? 🤔
Any suggestions?
#gyoza #dumpling #food #collaboration #science #chinese #japanese #firstauthor #corresponding #manuscript #paper #publication
The final 'First person' interview in our current Issue is with Rodolpho Ornitz Oliveira Souza on his Postdoc work in the lab of Gustavo Arrizabalaga at Indiana University School of Medicine, USA, where he is interested in the cell biology and metabolism of protozoan parasites:
#cellbiology #research #firstauthor #firstperson #toxoplasma #mitochondria
#cellbiology #research #firstauthor #firstperson #toxoplasma #mitochondria