"Rambo estaba decidido a emprender una lucha de la que Teasle se arrepentiría durante toda su vida por haberla provocado."
First Blood 🪖🏞️ de David Morrell
#ThrillerBooks #Reading #FirstBlood
#thrillerbooks #reading #firstblood
Action movies released in 1982…pick your favorite.
#firstblood #48hrs #rockyiii #conanthebarbarian #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #actionmovies
Watching First Blood after decades, I was now able to truly appreciate Rambo's situation. Easily the best movie of the 4 and a must watch IMO.
I like that the movie is tightly edited, well paced, cinematography and colors are beautiful, primary cast is just 3 great actors and the action is limited and believable (not a superhero). Unnecessary brutality of local police and PTSD of a Vietnam war veteran keeps the plot real and grounded. 👌
#Movies In this article, #FirstBlood director #TedKotcheff details the thinking behind changing the ending of the movie from the book, where Trautman is forced to kill Rambo.
#movies #firstblood #tedkotcheff
#Movies #KirkDouglas quit #FirstBlood and was replaced by #RichardCrenna, who was later let go as well?: https://www.thedigitalfix.com/rambo/kirk-douglas-quit-movie-cut
#movies #kirkdouglas #firstblood #richardcrenna
Stopped in #HopeBC for lunch at #BlueMooseCafe. Of course, I took my obligatory photos of the #Rambo statues! (#FirstBlood was filmed in Hope.)
#HopeBC #bluemoosecafe #Rambo #firstblood
俺にとって戦争は続いたままなんだ(ラストシーン)【ランボー】 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1703629/voice-actor/
#firstblood #m60 #PTSD #rambo #Vlog #voiceactor #アクション #シルベスタスタローン #トラウトマン大佐 #ベトナム戦争 #ラストシーン #ランボー #俺にとって戦争は続いたままなんだラストシーンランボー #声優 #映画 #洋画 #男性声優 #緒方賢一 #警察署
#firstblood #m60 #ptsd #rambo #vlog #voiceactor #アクション #シルベスタスタローン #トラウトマン大佐 #ベトナム戦争 #ラストシーン #ランボー #俺にとって戦争は続いたままなんだラストシーンランボー #声優 #映画 #洋画 #男性声優 #緒方賢一 #警察署
@EevaXTiina @DarthPutinKGB #Finland, an entire country of people who just want to be left alone, like John #Rambo in #FirstBlood. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCKwe_Dp9Eg
I don't know if my parents had their first date watching #FirstBlood or #Rocky and I'm too afraid to ask.
But nonetheless: Thank you Sly for making me exist
Sie fallen wie die Fliegen, die Filme in meiner Backlog. 😅 Ein Film von Recht und Unrecht, toxischer Männlichkeit und noch toxischerer Männlichkeit, Wildnes und Überleben. Genau, ich meine "First Blood" bzw. "Rambo First Blood" mit Silvester Stallone. Ob es die Definition von toxischer Männlichkeit in den 80ern schon gegeben hat, weiß ich leider nicht, ich gehe aber nicht davon aus. 🤣 Launiger Survival Rache-Actionfilm 7/10. 🎬
#movies #backlog #rambo #firstblood #80er #silvesterstallone
#backlog #rambo #firstblood #80er #silvesterstallone #movies
Op #Veronica is strax een documentaire over een Vietnam veteraan die een allesbehalve fijne ontvangst krijgt in een dorpje. #FirstBlood
Behind the Scenes - First Blood - 1982
#sylvesterstallone #firstblood #rambo #johnrambo #behindthescenes #film #movie #tedkotcheff
#sylvesterstallone #firstblood #rambo #johnrambo #behindthescenes #film #movie #TedKotcheff
“¡En el frente tenemos un código de honor! Tu me cubres la espalda y yo cubro la tuya... ¡Pero aquí no!”
- John Rambo, Acorralado (1982)
#Acorralado #FirstBlood #SylvesterStallone #RichardCrenna #TedKotcheff
#acorralado #firstblood #sylvesterstallone #richardcrenna #tedkotcheff
#SpiderManNoWayHome 🕸️
#thedarkknight 🦇🃏
#Jaws 🦈
#DazedAndConfused 🚬🍺
#BeastofBrayRoad (Documentary) 🐺
#FirstBlood 🇺🇸🩸
#FinalDestination2 ☠️🪦
#7filmstoknowme #SpiderManNoWayHome #thedarkknight #jaws #DazedAndConfused #beastofbrayroad #firstblood #finaldestination2
Long time no #ClashOfCultures! I try to avoid warmongering when I play (a pacifist is always a pacifist!), but since last time I was smashed to smithereens by my friend and his sudden act of war, I had to act first. And I WON. Great job, my elephants! #FirstBlood #Boardgames
#clashofcultures #firstblood #boardgames
Ich hab sie dann heute tatsächlich noch einmal angetreten. Der allererste Versuch.
Und dann springt sie tatsächlich schon beim 2. Treten an und läuft stabil. Ich bin richtig begeistert! 🎉 Und etwas verliebt ❣️
#schrauben #schwalbe #kr512 #neuaufbau #simson #restauration #schwalberahmen #originalzustand #wiederherstellen #saharabraun #oldtimer #1980s #ostmoped #ddr #firstblood
#schrauben #Schwalbe #kr512 #neuaufbau #simson #restauration #schwalberahmen #originalzustand #wiederherstellen #saharabraun #oldtimer #1980s #ostmoped #ddr #firstblood
Tonight is a Rambo marathon. Just finished watching First Blood, about to watch First Blood Part II. Will probably watch Rambo III before I fall asleep.
When I look at the god-forsaken, corrupt freakshow that the deep state has turned America into with ANTIFA and BLM filling the role of the brown shirts, I can't help but feel like we need a one-man army with the psychotic rage of a thousand men, like John Rambo, to restore law & order, to end the chaos.