A very small greenhouse all the way from the Southern tip of Africa,South Africa,it’s late fall here and we are going into winter,first frost is approaching, cabbage,broccoli,spinach,carrot,peas ,it’s 36 Fahrenheit and 2 celcuis, #firstbuild https://www.allforgardening.com/495360/a-very-small-greenhouse-all-the-way-from-the-southern-tip-of-africasouth-africaits-late-fall-here-and-we-are-going-into-winterfirst-frost-is-approaching-cabbagebroccolispinachcarrotpeas-its/
I built my first custom keyboard with my dad today!! It’s a KBD67 Lite (with a few mods) with keycaps from Osume Keys. The sound makes me 🤤 and it was time well spent with my dad ❤️ #keyboard #firstbuild #custombuild
#keyboard #firstbuild #custombuild