#Canada's top #cybercrime cop wanted to talk about common misunderstandings of #police work, and how he hopes to limit the impact of cybercrime in a #holistic way. So we talked.
Read at @heiseonline in German:
#canada #cybercrime #police #holistic #firstcon23
Welche digitale Bedrohungen gibt es in einem Land, in dem mit #Ransomware und #Crypto #Betrug nichts zu holen ist?
Ich hatte die Gelegenheit, mit dem Leiter des Malawi #CERT zu sprechen. #Malawi ist eines der ärmsten Länder der Welt, dennoch setzt die Regierung auf Digitalisierung. Allein, es gibt keine Fachkräfte für #IKT #Sicherheit.
Täter zu verhaften ist oft unmöglich - denn sie sitzen bereits in ganz furchtbaren Gefängnissen.
#ransomware #crypto #betrug #cert #malawi #ikt #sicherheit #firstcon23 #first #armut #afrika
The Internet Last Week
* BGP unknown attribute disruption
* FIRST 2023
* Microsoft 365 disruption
Core message from Matt Bromiley's talk at #FIRSTCON23 . A LOT (!) of information in popular exploit kits is hard coded. We just need to actively look for them.
The wireless presenters in different rooms of #FIRSTCON23 seem to overlap so our speakers have random slide changes 😆 (and most likely the speaker in the other room as well). Can someone open a security incident 🥳
Core messages of @hacks4pancakes 's keynote at #FIRSTCON23 : Teach youger people the knowledge you have about older systems and protocols. Also grab some donuts and speak to your OT engineers, communication is key in ICS security. Lastly, always keep the consequences in mind, ICS is quite different from classic software security.
If you are at #FIRSTCON23, don't forget to join us for the MISP workflow workshop on Monday given by @mokaddem and @adulau
#firstcon23 #threatintelligence #opensource #misp
Don't forget! #FIRSTCON23 Call for Speakers closes on Friday! Warm welcome to all newbies looking to get involved! Visit the website for details https://t.co/Jh8Y5uhNRX
Don't forget! #FIRSTCON23 Call for Speakers closes on Friday! Warm welcome to all newbies looking to get involved! Visit the website for details https://t.co/Jh8Y5uhNRX