Artillery weapons in medieval Europe included the mounted crossbow (ballista) and single-arm torsion catapult (mangonel), both similar to ancient Roman machines. #History #Crusades #DoverCastle #FirstCrusade
#firstcrusade #dovercastle #crusades #History
Matilda of Canossa (c. #History #FirstCrusade #HolyRomanEmpire #InvestitureControversy
#investiturecontroversy #holyromanempire #firstcrusade #History
The weapons of an English medieval knight in combat included the long sword, wooden lance with an iron tip, metal-headed mace, battle-axe, and dagger. #History #Crusades #EdwardtheBlackPrince #FirstCrusade
#firstcrusade #edwardtheblackprince #crusades #History
Jerusalem, a holy city for the adherents of all three great monotheistic religions (Judaism, Christianity, and Islam) was conquered by the armies of the First Crusade in 1099 CE. The Muslims failed to halt their advance, as they were themselves disunited and disorganized, but this was soon to change and the Holy City was to be retaken. Saladin (l. 1137-1193 CE), the Sultan of Egypt and Syria, w... #BattleofHattin #Crusades #FirstCrusade
#firstcrusade #crusades #battleofhattin