@nycki96 @keao Good #WonderfulWednesday morning!
How are you on this #FirstDayOfSummer?
#wonderfulwednesday #firstdayofsummer
Happy first day of summer! What’s on your bucket list? I want to get some hiking in. #authors #readers #writers #firstdayofsummer #hiking
#hiking #firstdayofsummer #writers #readers #authors
Първи ден на лятото, поне е топло тия дни 😁
Заради продължителния студ и дъждове, джакарандите цъфнаха доста късно
#firstdayofsummer #Adelaide #Australia #jacarandas
#firstdayofsummer #adelaide #australia #jacarandas
RT @NASAClimate@twitter.com
It's the first day of astronomical summer (June 21 to Sept. 22)! Research shows high summertime temperatures are arriving earlier and lasting longer, throwing ecosystems off balance. This visualization shows what shifting seasons might look like up to year 2100. #FirstDayOfSummer
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NASAClimate/status/1539328120653611009
RT @NASAClimate@twitter.com
It's the first day of astronomical summer (June 21 to Sept. 22)! Research shows high summertime temperatures are arriving earlier and lasting longer, throwing ecosystems off balance. This visualization shows what shifting seasons might look like up to year 2100. #FirstDayOfSummer
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NASAClimate/status/1539328120653611009