Sono passati 400 anni dalla pubblicazione della prima edizione raccolta delle opere di Shakespeare, un volume ora noto come First Folio. Preparato dai suoi colleghi attori dopo la sua morte, il libro presentava 36 opere teatrali suddivise nei generi della commedia, della storia e della tragedia ...
#tobeornottobe William Shakespeares #FirstFolio wird 400 🎉 Weltweit gibt es nur 14 Exemplare in Top-Zustand. Eins davon hat die @unibibkoeln. Mehr über die Geschichte des wertvollen Buches gibt es im aktuellen #Unimagazin👇
#tobeornottobe William Shakespeare's #FirstFolio turns 400 🎉 There are only 14 copies in top condition worldwide. The @unibibkoeln has one of them. Read more about the history of this valuable book in the current #Unimagazin👇
#tobeornottobe #firstfolio #unimagazin
#Druckfrisch: Das neue #Unimagazin ist da! Diesmal sind wir auf der Suche nach bedrohten Tierwesen, feiern 400 Jahre #Shakespeares #Firstfolio und reisen nach Schweden 🐬📙🇸🇪
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#druckfrisch #unimagazin #shakespeares #firstfolio
1/5 Let’s take a few minutes to appreciate Shakespeare’s “First Folio,” published 400 years ago this year. (I don’t think we know the exact date of publication, so I’m posting this today, what the heck. :) ) 🧵 #Shakespeare #FirstFolio
"Heere Master: What cheere?" - Exciting news, #UBC 's copy of Shakespeare's First Folio (1623, first state), purchased last year, has been digitized. Interesting provenance docs, also digitized. This was one of the last in private ownership.
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