Jeg innser at vi bare ikke hører om politikerne som går til mer ordinære jobber etter en avsluttet politisk karriere, men hva er greien med at alle liksom skal jobbe med "kommunikasjon" aka lobbyisme? #politikk #norge #firsthouse
I know it’s not an ideal time to buy a house, but it’s a terrible time to be a renter where I live. So I’ve been shopping for a home, I have a great real estate agent, and I think I might have found something in a neighborhood that always makes me sigh and think, “I’d love to live here.”
But buying a first house is so scary! This is such a big decision! How does anyone do this?
#firsthouse #homebuying #realestate
This is how you do NIL
RT @HaydenConner
Not into jewelry. Too big for most cars. Dirt is more my style . Want to thank @Taylor_Morrison for helping me invest and make Austin HOME. More coming.🤘#FirstHouse #notgoinganywhere
It’s starting to feel like a home now… #movinghouse #firsthouse #decorating
#decorating #firsthouse #movinghouse
It’s starting to feel like home now… #movinghouse #firsthouse #decorating
#decorating #firsthouse #movinghouse