Alameda Post · @alamedapost
136 followers · 643 posts · Server

Cooking disasters are embarrassing enough without an angry customer. Gil Michaels recalls his ill-fated and short-lived first endeavor into the workforce, when he learned the vital importance of measurements on recipes.

#aandw #alameda #firstjob #frycook #geezerville #interview #radioshack

Last updated 1 year ago

Autistic Widower ("AJ") · @autisticwidower
103 followers · 123 posts · Server
Jennifer Ebeling · @GardenerPodcast
484 followers · 405 posts · Server

12, 1702
Olaus , , died.

In his as a , he expected a full , but no one showed & Olaus .

In Frederica Rowan's , she writes,

"Recovering from his , he [did] for what he had for .

He [created] a & when his was completed, of admiring gathered in his garden & he would into them, even against their will"

#December #otd #rudbeck #swedish #botanist #firstjob #botany #Professor #class #cried #biography #momentary #weakness #anatomy #botanical #garden #task #knots #visitors #instill #knowledge #aw

Last updated 2 years ago

Brian Beach · @bwbeach
52 followers · 63 posts · Server

Unexpected blast from the past listening to @shanselman interview Mekka Williams. She and I both used the SL-1 language in our first jobs out of college, and we both used it to program telecom equipment.

I was a Bell Northern Research from 1979 to 1983, programming the SL-1 private branch exchange (PBX). I remember debugging by setting breakpoints using a hardware debugging card with 16 red LEDs and 16 switches to specify the address.

#telecom #firstjob #sl1 #hanselminutes

Last updated 2 years ago