#PennedPossibilities 6
MC: #FirstKiss.
She met him at the shop. It wasn’t her fault. It was an accident. Totally
It's a sunny day & he said: Do you fancy a walk. They walk & talk. Well, she talks. Joshua never says much at the best of times
Singing & dancing, they skip downhill, arms linked behind their backs, not a care in the world, late primroses under the hedge
Watch out!
A dark 4x4 roars down the lane & they fall on the bank with her on top of him ... & she kisses him
#pennedpossibilities #firstkiss #novelx1 #eg1
#krbk #BNHA #firstkiss #commission
Kirishima and Bakugō haven’t been dating for very long when Bakugō realizes that they haven’t gone beyond hand holding.
He realizes this after Denki makes a rather scathing joke at Sero’s expense about how he’s never made it to second base.
Kirishima and Denki end up collapsing in giggles but Bakugō can’t help but think about his relationship with Kirishima.
“Oy, shitty hair; didn’t you need me to help you with your English paper?”
#krbk #bnha #firstkiss #commission
#WeddingDJ #TravelDJ #TourDJ #AbbateEntertainment #Charlotte #NorthCarolina #SouthCarolina #bride #groom #CharlotteWedding #WeddingWire #TheKnot #FirstDance #FirstKiss #WeddingVendors #weddingvibes
#weddingdj #traveldj #tourdj #abbateentertainment #charlotte #northcarolina #southcarolina #bride #groom #charlottewedding #weddingwire #theknot #firstdance #firstkiss #weddingvendors #weddingvibes
It was a sultry Spanish stranger in a club in Madrid and I don't remember his name/remember if I asked his name 🤭
#AMA #firstkiss
A New Book, a New Experience
✍️ fic by #FleetofShippyShips
📙 #MoDaoZuShi #TheUntamed
📙 #NieHuaisang / #WeiWuxian
📙 4k, rated Teen
📙 NHS shows WWX his latest porn acquisition
📙 This time it's (gasp) cutsleeve
📙 It might just awaken some feelings in WWX
📙 Hints about LWJ & future wangxian
:ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21291470
#DecRecs #FicRec #MDZSFicRec #MDZS #CanonCompliant #Teens #QueerAwakening #FirstKiss
#fleetofshippyships #modaozushi #theuntamed #NieHuaisang #weiwuxian #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #mdzs #canoncompliant #teens #queerawakening #firstkiss
A long time ago! 😅
I had my first kiss when I was in grade one of elementary school.
It was on valentines day and a girl in my class gave me a card and then proceeded kiss me on the lips. 💋
Funnily enough I got detention because my teacher thought I was the one who initiated it.
I have not kissed anyone since then. 🫠
Use this link to submit AMA questions: https://ngl.link/questioning
Just a taste before bed.... #wlw #sapphic #firstKiss #SundaySexy #polyamory #romance #bisexual #books
#books #bisexual #romance #polyamory #sundaysexy #firstkiss #sapphic #wlw
@MartyCormack @sarahewalsh
Have you tried #FirstKiss 🍎? Debuted at 2019 #MNStateFair - amazing!
Still like #SweeTango better, but better than #Honeycrisp IMHO 😉
#firstkiss #mnstatefair #sweetango #honeycrisp
captured my attention
✍️ by sassybluee
🌇 #TheUntamed #MDZS
🌇 #LanZhan / #WeiYing
🌇 8k, explicit
🌇 straight boy WY thinks his beloved bestie LZ is also straight
🌇 other people think they're boyfriends
🌇 haha how can that be?
🌇 oh wait
:ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32267233
#DecRecs #FicRec #MDZSFicRec #WangXianFicRec #WangXian #ModernAU #CompHet #FriendsToLovers #FirstTime #FirstKiss #QueerAwakening
#theuntamed #mdzs #LanZhan #WeiYing #decrecs #FicRec #mdzsficrec #wangxianficrec #wangxian #ModernAU #comphet #friendstolovers #firsttime #firstkiss #queerawakening
When was your first kiss? Was it memorable? He was a newer friend and we quickly grew close. Grade 9. I was 14 he was 15. At a sleepover we cuddled and then it just happened. I remember how MAGICAL it felt. Fireworks 💥 It was so exciting. I haven’t felt fireworks for a long time. 😖 #gay #gaystories #firstkiss #lgbt
#gay #gaystories #firstkiss #lgbt
Seufzt ihr auch immer traurig bei fast jeder Kussszene in Hollywood-Filmen, wenn die Frau passiven den Mann anstarrt ohne sich zu bewegen und wartet, bis der Mann auf sie zukommt? Wenn ja und ihr heute traurig sein möchtet, hört doch in das neuste Kapitel von "Uruk-Heidi liebt Pferde" rein 😋
Dafür kommt aber zwischendurch auch viel Wissenswertes über die Reitkultur in Isengarten vor 😊
#pferdemädchen #love #firstkiss #hegemonie
#hegemonie #firstkiss #love #Pferdemädchen