@6G @SrRochardBunson After leaving the #WhiteHouse , former #FirstLady #MichelleObama has become a writer and philanthropist instead of resuming her law career.
But has #MelaniaTrump resumed her career as an ‘escort’ and soft porn model? 🤔
#whitehouse #firstlady #MichelleObama #melaniatrump #wheresmelania
First Lady tests positive
For this dreaded pandemic virus
Wishing her a speedy recovery
#firstlady #covid #jillbiden #staysafe #haiku #poetry
#firstlady #covid #jillbiden #staysafe #haiku #poetry
As per the #FirstLady's #CommunicationsDirector, #ElizabethAlexander
"This evening, the First Lady tested positive for #COVID19.
She is currently experiencing only mild symptoms. She will remain at their home in #RehobothBeach, #Delaware."
#firstlady #communicationsdirector #elizabethalexander #covid19 #rehobothbeach #delaware #flotus
A Testimony to Melania Trumps Grace..
#GaryFranchi #NextNewsNetwork #MelaniaTrump #DonaldTrump #Stoicism #Stoic #Grace #FirstLady
There's only one thing more eloquent and classy than Melania Trump, in amidst the storm that surrounds the Trump family -- and that's the spirit and wisdom behind Gary Franchi's recognition of what an awesome woman Melania is:
#GaryFranchi #NextNewsNetwork #melaniatrump #donaldtrump #stoicism #stoic #grace #firstlady
A Testimony to Melania Trumps Grace..
#GaryFranchi #NextNewsNetwork #MelaniaTrump #DonaldTrump #Stoicism #Stoic #Grace #FirstLady
There's only one thing more eloquent and classy than Melania Trump, in amidst the storm that surrounds the Trump family -- and that's the spirit and wisdom behind Gary Franchi's recognition of what an awesome woman Melania is:
#garyfranchi #nextnewsnetwork #melaniatrump #donaldtrump #stoicism #stoic #grace #firstlady
Biden Administration announces school cybersecurity efforts for grades K-12 https://politicaliq.com/2023/08/07/biden-administration-announces-school-cybersecurity-efforts-for-grades-k-12/ #Biden #WhiteHouse #School #CybersecurityNews #FirstLady #Education #Cardona #Mayorkas #CISA #FCC #politicaliq #news #politics
#biden #whitehouse #school #cybersecuritynews #firstlady #Education #cardona #mayorkas #cisa #fcc #politicaliq #News #politics
Didn’t Dolley Madison invent ice cream? Or was she just the first to serve it at the White House? And wasn’t oyster ice cream her favorite?
The short answer: No, no, and no.
If Dolley didn’t invent ice cream, why is her name so inextricably linked to the popular sweet treat?
Learn about Dolley Madison & ice cream from Montpelier’s Sr. Research Historian, Hilarie Hicks! ➡️ https://digitaldoorway.montpelier.org/2019/07/08/dolley-madison-ice-cream/?utm_content=buffer19656&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
#nationalicecreamday #icecream #firstlady #history
From 1992 to 2016, the US Presidential candidates’ spouses competitively baked cookies to try and predict the result of the election. The event was banned from ever running again by presidential decree after Melania’s cookies lost.
#presidentialelections #president #firstlady #election #cookies #baking #bakeoff #USA
#presidentialelections #president #firstlady #election #cookies #baking #bakeoff #usa
Heute im Daily mit #firstlady festgestellt, dass wir nächste Woche einen Termin haben. Wir haben ihn doppelt im Kalender, Mittwoch und Donnerstag. Eigentlich wollten wir festlegen, wer diesen Termin wahrnimmt oder ob wir beide gehen...
Einladungen heben wir nicht auf, wenn der Termin im Kalender steht. Also bei den Kita Kolleg:innen gefragt, es steht jetzt 3:2 für Donnerstag. 😆
Stellt sich raus: alle haben Recht: Die Einladung ist für Mittwoch, den 13.7., 9:00.
After people in Franklin, #Tennessee learned that #MomsForLiberty is a small extremist group of Hitler-quoting antisemitic bigots, the #Pride festival went from being a small event previously, to a big and colorful celebration this year! 👉 https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/24/us/politics/franklin-tennessee-pride.html
And #FirstLady #JillBiden visited the #Pride festival in nearby #Nashville today. ✅ https://www.wsmv.com/2023/06/24/jill-biden-visits-nashville-celebrate-pride-month/?outputType=amp
#tennessee #momsforliberty #pride #firstlady #jillbiden #nashville
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is on his first state visit to the US, gifted a handcrafted sandalwood box to President Joe Biden, and a green diamond to First Lady Jill Bide.
#GreenDiamond #SandalwoodBox #PMModi #JoeBiden #FirstLady
#greendiamond #sandalwoodbox #pmmodi #joebiden #firstlady
#FirstLady #JillBiden Delivers Powerful Speech On #Women’s #Empowerment In Marrakech
#firstlady #jillbiden #women #empowerment
Rosalynn, you were the first lady
A beacon of light and beauty
Though now with Dementia
You remain serene-a
Living life with grace and gracefully.
#rosalynncarter #firstlady #dementia #plains #love #ode #poetry
#RosalynnCarter #firstlady #dementia #plains #love #ode #poetry
@calou Ich möchte mich, wie jedes Jahr, mit #FirstLady auf eine Verlängerung unserer Beziehung einigen. Gibt sozusagen wieder ein Update.
Grundsätzlich ist auch wieder Platz für weitere Beziehungen, das ist aber nicht direkt ein Ziel für 2023.
Die Einschulung von #DerGroße gut über die Bühne bringen und das erste Mal seit Jahren in der Saison einen Urlaub auf die Kette bekommen, das sind Ziele.
Are states that voted to put a #SexWorker in the #WhiteHouse as our #FirstLady really passing laws preventing men from dressing as women? 👉 https://time.com/6260421/tennessee-limiting-drag-shows-status-of-anti-drag-bills-u-s/
Is this really happening?
#SaveAmerica from the #DarkMAGA cult!
#sexworker #whitehouse #firstlady #saveamerica #DarkMAGA
First Lady Jill Biden meeting with Agata Kornhauser-Duda, the First Lady of Poland, at the White House… two beautiful women, united in their support of Ukrainian refugee families ~
#FirstLady #US #Poland #Ukraine #WhiteHouse
#firstlady #US #poland #ukraine #whitehouse
My dad had a PhD and was called “Dr. Fang” by his students and clients.
RT @SkinnyDiva
It baffles me that people get so bent out of shape that Jill Biden uses Dr as a prefix…”she’s not a real doctor”.. ok so when your college professor is Dr Sally Brown, did you say to them, “c’mon you’re not a real doctor!”.. stop being a 🤡! #JillBiden #FirstLady
The other 3 Hoes of the #trumpocalypse … Melania had a not-giving big-fuck scheduling conflict.
I don’t care, Do you?
Laziest, most foreign-born, most-likely to be compromised #FirstLady in HISTORY!!!!!
The other 3 Hoes of the #trumpocalypse … Melania had a not-giving big-fuck scheduling conflict.
I don’t care, Do you?
Laziest, most foreign-born, most-likely to be compromised #FirstLady in HISTORY!!!!!
@nerdherz Wäre nicht #FirstLady, es wäre mindestens ein Ranzen vom Aldi oder eben aus dem Internet geworden.
Ach ja: Ergobag reflektiert so knapp, verglichen mit den Ranzen von früher, dass man für die Tage mit schlechter Sicht (also knapp die Hälfte der Tage) noch Extensions kaufen kann, die reflektieren, 20 €. Kann man sich nicht ausdenken.