speaking of raw, unadulterated sewage:
"Several hundred tons of industrial waste slip into existence above the Wapesano River. With no one nearby to serve witness, they plunge unceremoniously into the water, stealing a swath of riverbank as a souvenir of their becoming."
Forgot about #FirstLinesWednesday but it's very timely today!
In the gloom of a pre-dawn morning, a man runs along the beach in a hi-vis jacket as a field of wind turbines stand watching out at sea. #FirstLinesWednesday
If she had wings. If she could simply run to the window, extend her wings and fly away from all this pain and misery. But she had to be born with arms. Arms and a mind too sharp to escape her own thoughts.
This & every Wednesday, share the first lines of your #WIP (or of a chapter or perhaps even of your favorite book) with the hashtag #FirstLinesWednesday
Let's make this a chance to meet writers across all servers
#writersofmastodon #amwriting #writingcommunity #wip #firstlineswednesday
The bus jerks, fighting a pothole. This part of the city isn’t ugly, mostly forgotten and filled with things built by people who died long ago..."
This and every Wednesday, share the first line of your #WIP with the hashtag #firstlineswednesday
Let's make this a chance to meet writers across all servers
#writersofmastodon #writing #writingcommunity #wip #firstlineswednesday
#FirstLinesWednesday #FirstLinesThursday ?!
“I feel my need fracture like innocence. Delicate as a fever-chill—as the hot flush of blood that rushes beneath the cold rime of my skin—I buck, and I crack across my chest.”
#CheatingWithTwoLines #WIP #AmWriting #RePost #GeeItsToughToPickTheRightInstance
#firstlineswednesday #firstlinesthursday #cheatingwithtwolines #wip #amwriting #repost #geeitstoughtopicktherightinstance
"Sarah Patrick was her real name, although you, dear reader, may know her by another."
#writingCommunity #writing #writersOfMastodon
#firstlineswednesday #writingcommunity #writing #writersofmastodon
“It’s just a duck pond,” Jonathan said, gesturing in what he assumed was the general direction of the landmark in question.
The woman behind the counter sniffed. “No ducks. Can’t be a duck pond if there’s no ducks.”
“Good point,” Jonathan agreed. “So, just a pond then.”
“No ducks,” the woman said again as she tallied his order. “Nothing ever swims in it. No animal in its right mind would go near it. Only people. But then I suppose I’m repeating myself.”
The dog days of summer had set in with an intense heat, made worse by the stillness in the air.
"It’s hard to ignore your name when you hear it enfolded in a hiss."
This and every Wednesday, share the first line of your WIP with the hashtag #firstlinesWednesday
Let's make this a chance to meet writers across all servers
#writingcommunity #writing #amwriting #writersofmastodon
#fantasy #ya
#ya #fantasy #honeyedscentofiron #writersofmastodon #amwriting #writing #writingcommunity #firstlineswednesday
oh is this a thing? I love first lines a whole lot. and last lines. and most of the lines in the middle. but especially first lines.
"Tourists always expect the bottomless marsh to be more exciting than it is."
'As above, so below,' was a precept taught to magus children on the first day of Magic Theory class: that heavenly bodies moved in lockstep with earthly ones, and invisible bonds wove together the whole of existence in a rhythmic dance.
#FirstLinesWednesday #WritingCommunity #NaNoWriMo #ThoseWhoCreateAndDestroy
#thosewhocreateanddestroy #nanowrimo #WritingCommunity #firstlineswednesday
Pop always said don’t fuck with fairy.
Excuse me? Can you explain that?
Pop was always free with his pearls of wisdom:
“Better ya ask forgiveness than permission.”
“Take yer tools home with ya. Might not be a job there in the mornin’.”
“Whatcha need is connections, all those assholes with money, they got there with connections.” And the most useful, “Don’t fuck with Fairy. Ya stay the hell away from those tricksy bitches.”
#WritingCommunity #Writing #WritersOfMastodon
#firstlineswednesday #writingcommunity #writing #writersofmastodon
'Martin was a feisty one hundred and three years old when he died seven years ago, something he still found difficult to get used to.'
#firstlineswednesday #writingcommunity #writing #writersofmastodon
'It had been a trap and the detective had barely escaped; his enemies were now chasing him through the sewers.'
That's the opening line of my ongoing #cyberpunk book, available as a web novel at the moment (see my profile for details).
Someone suggested we use the "first lines Wednesday" tag to get to know each other, and I think it's a neat idea.
#WritingCommunity #Writing #WritersOfMastodon
#writersofmastodon #writing #writingcommunity #firstlineswednesday #cyberpunk
“I feel my need fracture like innocence. Delicate as a fever-chill—as the hot flush of blood that rushes beneath the cold rime of my skin—I buck, and I crack across my chest.”
#amwriting #wip #cheatingwithtwolines #firstlineswednesday
Book One:
"Kelly Novak had no plan in place for immortality."
Book Two:
"I thought I had the flu."
#FirstLinesWednesday #WritingCommunity #Writing #writersofmastodon
#firstlineswednesday #writingcommunity #writing #writersofmastodon
Sure, why not. #FirstLinesWednesday
The first line of my current project, RTE:
'None of them felt like celebrating. The word had already gone out that they won, but the feeling within the group was that the better word was survived.'
'Kercheval House rarely played host to a parliament of mages.'
That's the opening line of the book that shall soon be winging its way back to the agent. I'm just stamping out colonies of typos and unnecessary adverbs.
#WritingCommunity #Writing #WritersOf Mastodon
#firstlineswednesday #writingcommunity #writing #writersof
"When Heike closed the staircase door behind her, the corners of the attic filled with a tar-like darkness."
This and every Wednesday, share the first line of your WIP with the hashtag #firstlinesWednesday
Let's make this a chance to meet writers across all servers
#writersofmastodon #writing #writingcommunity #firstlineswednesday