Men in power must take lead on tackling #ToxicMasculinity, says #HumzaYousaf
Scottish #FirstMinister says every man can play a role in challenging problematic behaviour
#firstminister #humzayousaf #toxicmasculinity
Today there's a strange ceremony taking place at St Giles in #Edinburgh, arguably the mother church of #Presbyterians across the world. #KingCharlesIII will be presented with a #crown in a not-quite #Coronation ceremony for #Scotland. The #FirstMinister, a #Muslim and #Republican and leader of an #independence party, will read from the #Bible; the leaders of his coalition party will be at an anti #monarchy demonstration instead. #BBC's James Cook has a go at explaining!
#bbc #monarchy #bible #independence #republican #muslim #firstminister #scotland #Coronation #crown #KingCharlesIII #Presbyterians #edinburgh
#FirstMinister of #Scotland looks for #football clubs to help organise "celebrations" after another such events leaves people injured and #Glasgow with a huge #police and cleanup bill. But given #sports organisations usual approach to their social responsibility, it's probably a forlorn hope...
#sports #police #glasgow #football #scotland #firstminister
#UK ‘demanding’ glass bottles removed from #Scottish #DepositReturnScheme, Yousaf says
The #FirstMinister said he had received a letter late on Friday ‘demanding’ glass be dropped from the Scottish scheme.
#DRS #Scotland #Democracy #Independence #ToryPoliciesInAction #Environment #Sustainability
#sustainability #environment #torypoliciesinaction #independence #democracy #scotland #drs #firstminister #depositreturnscheme #scottish #uk
#FirstMinister of #Scotland Humza #Yousaf says it will feel 'strange' attending #coronation as a #republican, but says he has to represent the entire nation
#republican #Coronation #yousaf #scotland #firstminister
Fear and the flag is all the #DUP have left at this stage. They have no positive message about the future. It is always 'no' with these tw*ts, which is so depressing. They want to take us back to pre 1969 #NI when everything was done for their benefit.
The loss of the #FirstMinister position was another blow to them. They lost the majority at Stormont, then Westminster and then they lost Dodds as an MP. They never recovered.
They really don't know what to do!
Jeffrey has some front on him!
He says the British Government is punishing the people of #NI with this budget.
Well then big man get your MLA'S back to work. Let #NI ministers set a budget for the good of all the people here.
Instead of you carrying on this piece of performance art that is #DUP boycott. Which is all about you not wanting to share power when an Irish Republican is #firstminister
There is no words for Jeffrey 's behaviour at this stage! #Hypocrite
#ni #dup #firstminister #hypocrite
Michelle O’Neill is getting it in the next because she’s just announced she’s going to the coronation.
Maybe I’m just not seeing this, but surely as the FM it’s her duty to go, regardless of her personal or political views?
I mean, her job is to represent everyone in NI, not just republicans. I get all the arguments against going. But surely she is FM first, SF VP second?
As I say, maybe I’m seeing this all wrong. What say you?
#firstminister #Coronation #sinnfein
is incapable of pushing himself out of his comfort zone. He won't even accept the outcome of an election, he won't let a government be formed because he can't share power when an Irish Republican is #FirstMinister.
It will confirm the belief that everyone has to move to suit Jeff but he isn't prepared to move even an inch to help #NI move forward.
Fair play to Michelle and President Higgins, they are both attending the Kings Cornation.
The Unionists can't complain now.
I honestly think this goes back to the mistake that #Sinnfein made over not taking part in the late Queen's visit to Ireland in 2011. Which is widely accepted as a re-set in Anglo-Irish relations. They don't want to make that mistake again.
I think this is MON doing exactly what she said would when became #FirstMinister in waiting - a First Minister for all. She is extending the hand of friendship once again.
This will make #Jeff look rather petty once again. He
#sinnfein #firstminister #jeff
Here is a leader of a party who brought Stormont down as a stunt in the hope, it would make him #FirstMinister, praising his replacement for his Lagan Valley #MLA seat, when he refused to take it because ot would have meant giving up his seat in HoC.
Who by the way, when she stood in her own right, was rejected by the electorate. That party is in bo pos to lecture anyone about stunts
Jr is a pathetic excuse of a public representative. He is there because of his dad's name not his own talent or ability.
He keeps very questionable company - photos to prove it. Plus he more likely to be found in a foreign climate than his home constituency.
As for #Foster, there was hope when she took over, it was hoped that she would reach out but that quickly disappeared. She was weak, uncompromising, tone-deaf and lacked self awareness. Never should have been #FirstMinister.
Arlene Foster is a hypocrite! She objected to #GoodFridayAgreement that she left the Unionist party that signed up to the #GFA. However, as leader of the #DUP,
she happily accepted the role as #FirstMinister in the institutions brought about by the #GFA25
She no longer a politician, when she was one she was terrible. She is better suited to her new role as commentator the pretend 'news' channel #GBNews
She is no peacemaker and should be called out for it.
#goodfridayagreement #gfa #dup #firstminister #gfa25 #gbnews
Arlene's comments are getting thd response it deserves. She has really proved that she is just bitter. It is hard to believe she was ever #FirstMinister. Her true personality has really come out since joining #GBNews.
#ScottishGovernment to challenge #UKGovernment block on #gender law reform. #FirstMinister #HumzaYousaf has described the #Westminister block of the law passed by the #ScottishParliament as an "undemocratic veto"
#ScottishParliament #Westminister #humzayousaf #firstminister #gender #ukgovernment #scottishgovernment
@harriettmb I think we can safely ignore the #failed politican that #Foster is. We should just see her for a pretend TV presenter on a right-wing commentary channel pretending to be a #news channel. If she was still #FirstMinister, she would all over this visit of a #Biden like a rash.
#failed #foster #news #firstminister #biden
@harriettmb The #DUP only do respect when it is given to them. They aren't that big in handing it out to those who disagree with them.
I agree with you the don't even have the #respect for the #NI electorate to implement last year's assembly result. If they were true Democrats they wouldn't have stopped Michelle O'Neill from becoming #FirstMinister.
#NIpolitics will only improve when #DUP is removed from it.
#dup #respect #ni #firstminister #NIpolitics
This is very bad for the #SNP: #FirstMinister #HumzaYousaf only discovered after he became SNP leader that the party's #auditors had resigned 6 months earlier, a situation he described as "extraordinary"
#auditors #humzayousaf #firstminister #snp
When the leader of the largest Unionist party in #NI abandons his position as leader to the #oneseatwonder and the #unelectedblogger because he was desperate to be #FirstMinister. Then what #Unionism is facing now is off it's own making. Jeff & #DUP have no power anywhere else, they need #Stormont up & running to have a say. They alone are making themselves irrelevant. If NI disappears then it will down to them. I doubt many in GB will notice or care.
#ni #oneseatwonder #unelectedblogger #firstminister #unionism #dup #stormont