Tyler Smith · @plantarum
726 followers · 1129 posts · Server ottawa.place

located around the resource-rich northern shore of are asking for $126-billion in compensation for the Crown’s failure to pay annuity increases promised in an 1850 treaty

I'd like to tag this , but is arguing that the share of resources extracted from Lake Superior is more than covered by the $4 per person annually they've been receiving since the 1800s. So, not so much.

Gift link:


#firstnations #lakesuperior #reconciliation #ontario #anishnabe

Last updated 1 year ago

Ben Rowswell · @benrowswell
48 followers · 237 posts · Server journa.host

At their policy convention last week, Conservatives offered a prominent platform for the same Doctrine of Discovery tropes that were used to justify the attempted extermination of First Nations. And by a British Lord no less: nationalpost.com/opinion/full- Philip Hannan extolls a “Canadian nation shaped by pioneers who settled empty snowscapes”. And ominously, the overwhelmingly white audience roared their approval

#indigenous #firstnations #Landback

Last updated 1 year ago

Ogie Ogilthorpe · @OgieOgilthorpe
46 followers · 1094 posts · Server stranger.social


What about reparations for Native Americans? You know, the ones that were kicked off their lands and pushed onto reservations? The ones that were slaughtered wholesale.
I’m asking for a few of my friends.

#reparations #native #americans #firstnations

Last updated 1 year ago

medio pocillo ☕ · @mediopocillo
236 followers · 1592 posts · Server spore.social

via @marcia 🔗 spore.social/@marcia/111031378
This is an essential opportunity for researchers to learn about the rights of communities to own, control, access, and possess information about their peoples, which is fundamentally tied to self-determination and to the preservation and development of culture.

Please share with your friends and colleagues you think would be interested!

#firstnations #data #sovereignty #indigenous #research #academia #phdchat #climate #environment #activism

Last updated 1 year ago

Steve Davidian · @Stegosaurus
148 followers · 1378 posts · Server sciences.social

Canadian Conniptions

Giordano of The Juice Media makes wonderfully funny and poingnant summaries of government games.


#canada #firstnations #climatechange

Last updated 1 year ago

Another fantastic story. About whaling by multiple First Nations on Vancouver Island. And if you've ever been to the American Natural History Museum, you might have seen the “Whalers Washing House" which was a sacred shrine with dozens of tall human forms made of wood (Picture in the article). They were taken from the Mowachaht/Muchahlaht in Yuquot in 1904.

Here's hoping one day they are returned.


#whaling #firstnations #colonialism #racism #reconciliation #decolonization #vancouverisland #history

Last updated 1 year ago

Great story and history here as the First Nation in Yuquot, the home and nation of Maquinna who first met Spanish colonizers in the 1700s on the West Coast of Canada. It includes stained glass windows donated by the Government of Spain in the 1950s when this structure was built.

"It's a striking combination of elements, in a building that still wears the mark of a Euro-centric worldview. At the church’s entrance are two stained glass windows that were donated by Spain in the 1950s, depicting Europeans in the centre as the local First Nations are in the darkened periphery.

“These windows are now jarring remnants from a colonial past,” explained the First Nation on its website. “One window shows representatives of Britain and Spain, Quadra and Vancouver, conferring about ‘sovereignty’ over Nootka Sound in 1791.””


#espana #quadra #uk #vancouver #firstnations #yuquot #vancouverisland #colonialism #settler #conquistadors #catholic #catholicism

Last updated 1 year ago

Marcia MacDonald · @marcia
426 followers · 257 posts · Server spore.social

Friends! (R4FL) is excited to host a presentation on Thursday, September 21st (6pm ET) on principles of OCAP® and First Nations
, offered by the First Nations Information Governance Centre (FNIGC.ca) and led by Leslie MacGregor.

Here's the link to register:

#researchforthefrontlines #firstnations #data #sovereignty #indigenous #research #academia #phdchat #climate #environment #activism

Last updated 1 year ago

Ben Rowswell · @benrowswell
45 followers · 232 posts · Server journa.host

Principal message coming out of panel of Chiefs overseeing searches: the ultimate objective of finding the bodies of children who died in must be justice. Much discussion about taking a case to the UN to ensure the government of Canada is held accountable - including by Grand Chief of the Quebec Cree Mandy Gull-Masty

#residentialschools #indigenous #firstnations #wearestillhere #Landback

Last updated 1 year ago

Ben Rowswell · @benrowswell
43 followers · 222 posts · Server journa.host

Minister Virani now acknowledges he cannot carry out his life's work - to uphold equality nationally - without acknowledging the foundational inequality on which the Canadian state was established after centuries of colonialism

#indigenous #firstnations #reconciliation #Landback

Last updated 1 year ago

Ben Rowswell · @benrowswell
43 followers · 221 posts · Server journa.host

Justice Minister Arif Virani is now speaking on behalf of the Canadian government. He began on a note of humility, remarking how he made errors as a politician in the past when he equated the challenges of teaching his children Hindi with the challenges of indigenous people teaching children their own languages. He was quickly reminded that the teaching of indigenous languages was accompanied for generations with beatings and other physical violence

#indigenous #firstnations #Landback

Last updated 1 year ago

Ben Rowswell · @benrowswell
43 followers · 220 posts · Server journa.host

@indigenous_commentator is being targetted by hate groups for her advocacy of justice for residential school victims. Watch her video call to action and let’s help spread her content to counter the hate

#firstnations #residentialschools #Landback

Last updated 1 year ago

Ben Rowswell · @benrowswell
41 followers · 218 posts · Server journa.host

Check out minute 11:00, in which the Chief of the Sioux Valley Dakota Nation calls for non-indigenous people to do their part too:

"We didn't create these problems, but now if we want something done, then it is up to us to do it. Which I don't think is fair"

#firstnations #indigenous #residentialschools

Last updated 1 year ago

Ben Rowswell · @benrowswell
41 followers · 218 posts · Server journa.host

Survivors are gathering from across the country today for a National Gathering on Unmarked Graves in Montreal. This report on the first such event a few months back in Edmonton provides some sense of the emotional and policy context: globalnews.ca/news/9316608/com

I will be participating online over the coming three days, and will report my impressions here. Please follow if you would like updates

#reconciliation #justice #Landback #firstnations #indigenous

Last updated 1 year ago

Ju6y · @ju6y
87 followers · 917 posts · Server mas.to

It is a that people in do not have clean water. Here is the doing something about it.


#church #anglican #Canada #firstnations #scandal

Last updated 1 year ago

Yehuda · @Yehuda
1770 followers · 743 posts · Server turtleisland.social

Notice: I am NOT suggesting non-Indigenous, non-BIPOC people post with most of these hashtags. Follow, ally, educate yourself, etc. but don’t appropriate is always good advice for allies.

Using and following hashtags are a critical part of the Fediverse experience. This is a list of the hashtags I recommend all Indigenous people use and follow.



#afroindigenous #bipoc #blackmastodon #changethename #decolonization #decolonize #defendthesacred #firstnations

Last updated 1 year ago

GeriAQuin · @GeriAQuin
308 followers · 1492 posts · Server mstdn.social

🇨🇦 The mayor of South Bruce Peninsula has resigned after he was caught on tape making racist comments about a nearby First Nation community, the Ontario town announced in a statement Tuesday.


#Indigenous #firstnations #native

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1405 followers · 18409 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Amid Continued Campaign, REACH Creates Play as Part of Truth-Telling Project

Evan Popp, Maine Beacon
Thu, August 31, 2023

"As part of a truth-telling initiative that seeks to illuminate the issue of land claims and the 1980 as well as celebrate the resilience of communities, the group has partnered with a -based organization to create a play developed by and for people.

"The play, titled where the river widens, is an original, community-developed production and is being put on in partnership with , a group located on the Blue Hill peninsula. The work is the first public offering based on a project in which Wabanaki REACH — an organization supporting Indigenous self-determination through education and other restorative practices — spent a year gathering more than 40 oral history interviews from Wabanaki people and those in Maine about Maine Indian land claims and the 1980 Settlement Act.

"As Beacon previously reported, Wabanaki tribes have long argued that the Settlement Act has stifled tribes’ economic development and allowed the state to treat sovereign Indigenous nations as municipalities, creating a paternalistic and unfair relationship that no other federally-recognized tribe is subject to. Given that, the Wabanaki have created a grassroots movement in the last couple years behind reforming the Settlement Act to recognize the tribes’ inherent sovereignty, but opposition from Gov. has stymied such efforts despite broad support for change from the public.

"Earlier this year, tribal leaders also attempted to pass a bill to ensure that the Wabanaki would have access to most federal laws that benefit Indigenous tribes around the country. Proponents of that legislation noted that because of the Settlement Act, any federal law enacted after 1980 for the benefit of tribes across the U.S. that impacts the application of Maine law doesn’t apply to the Wabanaki unless they are specifically included in the measure by Congress. However, Mills in June vetoed the measure pushed by tribal leaders to rectify that situation.

"Given the power of the stories Wabanaki REACH was able to collect on the subject, Maria Girouard, the group’s executive director, said the organization felt it was important to share those experiences with a wider audience via theater.

“We were so moved by the stories we gathered, it was a natural next step to talk about theater as a way of continuing to move the conversation from the head to the heart, to reach more people, and to gather in community,” Girouard said.

"The play is set outdoors along the , which itself has been the subject of land claim disputes and issues related to tribal sovereignty. It stitches together music, song, dance and the interviews from Beyond the Claims: Stories from the Land & the Heart — the name of the Wabanaki REACH truth-telling initiative.

"A news release about where the river widens also describes it as a 'poetic, spare, lyrical movement through stories, place, and time” and a thought-provoking play that “not only illuminates a complex and tumultuous era, but celebrates the beauty, creativity, and resilience of Wabanaki people.'

" said they are excited to be working with Wabanaki REACH on the play, which features , , , , , , , , , , and as co-creators and performers.

"'Threadbare’s way of co-creating, not only with community members but inspired by them, aligns so beautifully with Wabanaki REACH’s values of connection and joy,' said Kate Russell, artistic director of Threadbare Theatre Workshop. 'I am grateful for the generous folks who have come together this summer to create and perform this play — they are brilliant.'

"There will be two public performances of the hour-long play on Indian Island on Sept. 16 and Sept. 17 at 5 p.m. With space limited, those who want to attend must register ahead of time to reserve seats by visiting wabanakireach.org."


#sovereignty #Wabanaki #settlementact #indigenous #wabanakireach #maine #theater #threadbaretheatreworkshop #janetmills #penobscotriver #threadbare #lilahakins #estheranne #nickbear #wolatqinbear #andreafrancis #mariagirouard #dalelolar #georgeloring #margolukens #joshuamccarey #erlenepaul #indigenousnews #wabanakiconfederacy #penobscotnation #maliseet #passamaquoddy #Mikmaq #firstnations #mainetribes #arts #theatre #truthtelling #nativeamericans

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1402 followers · 18363 posts · Server kolektiva.social

In the , a lack of jurisdiction hampers tribal courts

by Donovan Lynch, August 31, 2023

"But often, the tribal court doesn’t have the jurisdiction to remedy these problems on its own. As a result of the Maine Indian Claims Settlement Act of 1980, the State of Maine has broad power over matters of law and order on tribal land."


#penobscotnation #indigenousnews #wabanakiconfederacy #firstnations #mainetribes #Wabanaki #nativeamericans

Last updated 1 year ago