I have enjoyed listening to Noel Pearson's 2022 Boyer Lecture series on the state of Indigenous peoples in Australia and his hopes for the future. They also capture his perspective on the First Nations Voice. The lectures can be read at https://capeyorkpartnership.org.au/tag/boyer/ but are better to experience in the form of the recordings at https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/boyerlectures #NoelPearson #BoyerLectures #FirstNationsVoice #IndigenousVoice
#NoelPearson #boyerlectures #firstnationsvoice #IndigenousVoice
La lettera inviata al Commissario per la Voce delle Prime Nazioni Dale Agius e al Procuratore Generale e Ministro per gli Affari Aborigeni Kyam Maher solleva preoccupazioni sulla struttura proposta della Voce.
È stato inviato da SA Native Title Services il 5 gennaio e ha le firme e il sostegno d...
#20Gennaio #News #FirstNationsVoice #Indigenousvoicetoparliament #KyamMaher
#kyammaher #Indigenousvoicetoparliament #firstnationsvoice #news #20gennaio
Just a reminder that leaders of the Anglican, Catholic and Uniting churches, and the leaders of the National Council of Churches, and the leaders of the Australian National Council of Imams and the Executive Council of Australian Jewry, and other faith leaders all support the #VoiceToParliament. #FirstNationsVoice #UluruStatement https://capeyorkpartnership.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Joint-Resolution-of-Peak-Religious-Organisations-Supporting-the-Uluru-Statement-digital.pdf
#voicetoparliament #firstnationsvoice #ulurustatement