BBC News - The indigenous groups fighting against the quest for 'white gold'
#indigenous rights #firstnations #firstpeople #justice #sustainability #rareearthelements
#indigenous #firstnations #firstpeople #justice #sustainability #rareearthelements
#indian #nativeamerican #firstpeople
A much better story than the sanitized cartoon.
And a quick read.
#indian #nativeamerican #firstpeople
@breadandcircuses et al.
Who are some voices of #firstPeople/ #indigenouspeople and #nextgeneration folks who speak about alternatives and new paradigms?
#firstpeople #indigenouspeople #nextgeneration
#FirstPeople #NorthAmericanImmigration Rimrock Draw Rockshelter, Eastern Oregon a site that recently produced what may be the oldest stone tool west of the Rocky Mountains. 18,250 years before present—
27,000 years before present are found fossilized footprints in White Sands NM— fascinating
#northamericanimmigration #firstpeople
@KarenWyld Maybe time to bring this back. #NativeMastodon #IndigenousMastodon #Indigenous #FirstPeople #FirstNations #LandBack
#landback #firstnations #firstpeople #indigenous #indigenousmastodon #nativemastodon
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#nativemastodon #nativeamerican #indigenousmastodon #indigenous #firstpeople #firstnations #decolonize #landback
Boost to broaden?
#nativemastodon #nativeamerican #indigenousmastodon #indigenous #firstpeople #firstnations #decolonize #Landback
Please consider sharing how you're affected by these color choices.
#nativemastodon #nativeamerican #indigenousmastodon #indigenous #firstpeople #firstnations #decolonize #landback
Boost to broaden?
#nativemastodon #nativeamerican #indigenousmastodon #indigenous #firstpeople #firstnations #decolonize #Landback
@Mastodon who are some #FirstPeople voices/accounts I can follow/boost? Especially #badassWomen and those offering different perspectives on wielding power and alternative models relating to #sustainability and #climateJustice.
#firstpeople #badasswomen #sustainability #ClimateJustice
The Uniting Church has joined a coalition of faith organisations calling on all Federal parliamentarians to co-operate across political divides in support of the upcoming Voice referendum.
Uniting Church Rev Sharon Hollis signed the letter that urges parliamentarians to to find ways to collaborate constructively across political divides to achieve the modest constitutional recognition First Nations people seek.
Read more:
#firstpeople #referendum2023 #yes #firstnations
Global News BC: Thousands of Indigenous people in B.C. are learning their languages: study #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #FirstPeople'sCulturalCouncil #IndigenousLanguages #Indigenousstudy #BCFirstNations #Perspectives #BCgovernment #BCIndigenous #BClearning #Indigenous #Canada #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #firstpeople #indigenouslanguages #indigenousstudy #BCFirstNations #perspectives #BCgovernment #bcindigenous #bclearning #indigenous #Canada #BC
Stock-based (so-called) 'regenerative' agriculture advocates say "But lots of land has poor soil. It needs cows and manure. It's like a desert. All that grows is native grasses.' Bullshit! Use them and respect traditional landowners.
#BiodiversityLoss #RegAg #RegenerativeAgriculture #Pollution #Sustainability #FirstNations #FirstPeople
#biodiversityloss #regag #regenerativeagriculture #pollution #sustainability #firstnations #firstpeople
Details from some of my favourite #indigenous #art today at NGV in #Melbourne
#indigenous #art #melbourne #firstpeople #aboriginal
@Windspeaker Exciting launch & *so* excited to learn of #UNESCO's International Decade of #Indigenous #Languages 2022-2032 (how'd I miss that it was happening?!) ~ WOW! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
Thank you for sharing this wonderfully #GoodNews ~ & these #photos of radiant humans 💖🙏🏽🙌🏽🙏🏽💖
#UN #FirstNations #FirstPeoples #FirstPeople #language #heritage #Paris #culture #cultural #wisdom #advocacy
#advocacy #wisdom #cultural #culture #Paris #heritage #language #firstpeople #firstpeoples #firstnations #un #photos #goodnews #languages #indigenous #unesco
What is the Ktunaxa Language??
#ktunaxa #cranbrook #language #languagerevitalization #firstpeople
#ktunaxa #cranbrook #language #languagerevitalization #firstpeople
For those raising littles, we enjoyed reading this book together:
#Keepunumuk : Weeâchumun’s #Thanksgiving Story by Danielle Greendeer, Anthony Perry, and Alexis Bunten, which offers a version of the Thanksgiving story from the perspective of the Mashpee #Wampanoag tribe.
#indigenous #nativeamerican #firstpeople #parenting #childrensbooks #readaloud #colonization
#keepunumuk #thanksgiving #wampanoag #indigenous #nativeamerican #firstpeople #parenting #childrensbooks #ReadAloud #colonization
@GregAndree71 Joy Harjo — born in Tulsa, OK, she is a member of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation. She earned her BA from the University of New Mexico & MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop. Harjo draws on First Nation storytelling/histories, feminist & social justice poetic traditions, & frequently incorporates indigenous myths, symbols, & values into her writing.
#firstPeople #creekNation #indigenous #poets #poetry #feminism
#firstpeople #creeknation #indigenous #poets #poetry #feminism