Grissallia 🏳️‍⚧️ · @grissallia
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July 13, 2023 - Day 194 - NewPlay Review
Total NewPlays: 214

Game: Ghostrunner

Platform: Steam
Release Date: Oct 28, 2020
Library Date: Jul 18, 2022
Unplayed: 360d (11m25d)
Playtime: 15m

Ghostrunner is a first-person sword-slasher game. It is deeply, frustratingly fast.

I am deeply, frustratingly, exhausted. I spent most of the evening trying to troubleshoot my PC to find out why it had suddenly turned into a snail. It appears that one of my usual running apps has been "updated" in a way that means I now get 8-10 FPS in-game.

This was after the discovery that at some stage recently, Riot games started forcing their POS launcher to automatically run "in the background" if the Xbox app was running.

Except it appeared to somehow be triggering a subset of the Xbox app to run, even if the Xbox app wasn't actually running, meaning it was unkillable.

Long story short, what Riot began with Valorant's shitty DRM, they finished with this stunt. I still had LoL installed on my machine from when my son tried to convince me to start playing it, so every trace of every piece of Riot's garbage has been wiped off my system.

After two hours of this collective bullshit, I barely had enough time to actually play Ghostrunner before midnight.

I suspect that I'm just too exhausted at this point to coordinate my hands well enough to not die repeatedly (somewhere close to 60 deaths within 15 minutes). The game helpfully keeps count.

I'm going to give Ghostrunner the benefit of the doubt, mark it down for a RePlay, and rate it:

3: OK

#ghostrunner #firstpersonslasher #parkour #mastodongaming #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay

Last updated 1 year ago