I must have touched a nerve, this video is getting more views than usual! 😯
Today there is a first quarter Moon 🌓 in Scorpio ♏️, bringing themes of
✨ #power 💪🏽
✨ #truth ❤️🔥
✨ #transformation 🦋
In this video I explain why things may feel intense, and how to work powerfully with this transformational energy.
Hint: self-care is not a frivolous thing.
Check it out ➡️ https://youtu.be/dbt5i5qUpdE
#astrology #AstrologyHeals #AstroVibe #ScorpioMoon #FirstQuarterMoon
#power #truth #transformation #astrology #astrologyheals #astrovibe #scorpiomoon #firstquartermoon
Today the First Quarter Moon 🌓 is in Libra ♎️, bringing a focus to #balance and #peace,
and why we have to choose them consciously. ⚖️
Here are some easy, practical ways to cultivate inner peace: ☮️
✨ Breathe! 🌬️
✨ Get into your body 💃🏽
✨ Connect with nature 🍃
More in this video https://youtu.be/z213NlOoGgw
#astrology #AstroVibe #AstrologyHeals #FirstQuarterMoon #LibraMoon #InnerPeace
#Balance #peace #astrology #astrovibe #astrologyheals #firstquartermoon #libramoon #innerpeace
First Quarter moon tonight with Lunar V and X.
#luna #moon #firstquartermoon #astronomy #amateurastronomy
Today the Moon 🌛 is in Gemini ♊️, bringing a focus to thinking and communication.
With the First Quarter Moon 🌓, there is the potential for something challenging to show up.
It could be helpful to consider:
✨ a shift in your thinking about the situation
✨ what it is you need to say or hear
✨ opening your mind to new possibilities
More in this video! https://youtu.be/GJrl1Q_nThE
#astrology #AstroVibe #AstrologyHeals #GeminiMoon #FirstQuarterMoon
#astrology #astrovibe #astrologyheals #geminimoon #firstquartermoon
Today, the First Quarter Moon 🌛 is in Taurus ♉️, which brings...
opportunities for shift in routines. ✨
What would a newer, better normal look like for you? 🤔
Here's how to make your life run more smoothly by stepping up your:
➡️ ways of thinking
➡️ approaches
➡️ habits and patterns
related to daily issues, challenges, and problems.
See video for details https://youtu.be/iN9s4JpqhHI
#astrology #AstroVibe #AstrologyHeals #FirstQuarterMoon #TaurusMoon
#astrology #astrovibe #astrologyheals #firstquartermoon #taurusmoon
Puolikuu kahden savupiipun välissä. The first quarter moon between two chimneys.
#puolikuu #firstquartermoon #moon