Another post about #BoardGames.
I don't like choosing favorites. It's hard to remember every contender, and I have trouble deciding between such diverse options even when all conditions are optimal.
That said, some of the ones I'm loving these days are, in no particular order; #FirstRat, #TerraformingMars (with divoted boards of course), #SoClover, #IsleOfCats (with all expansions), and for some reason I keep going back to #10DaysInTheUSA for a gateway when teaching newbies.
#boardgames #firstrat #terraformingmars #soclover #isleofcats #10daysintheusa
#Spieleabend mit #FirstRat .
Die erste Ratte fliegt zum Mond.
Schönes #Spiel !
Einen schönen Abend noch.
#spieleabend #firstrat #spiel #wirsehenunsamtisch #brettspiel #brettspiele #nurnberg