Enjoying a cuppa after my first run for about 32 years. 😇I’m loving my new barefoot running shoes from Pure Step, they are so comfy and easy to rinse when they encounter a totally waterlogged field like they did today. 👣 And what better than to drink out of my ‘Just Because I Am Me, I Am Good Enough’ mug?? It’ll be a while before I do a marathon, but the first step I took today was absolutely good enough!
#barefootshoes #firstrun #justbecauseiamme #goodenough #singersongwriter #gettingfit
#gettingfit #singersongwriter #goodenough #justbecauseiamme #firstrun #barefootshoes
Blubb Blubb!
I am Gary. I have biggest sword.
Come and see me use it in Elden Ring!
#twitch #twitchgaming #gaming #games #EldenRing #GaryHasBiggestSword #actionrpg #rpg #FirstRun
#twitch #twitchgaming #gaming #games #eldenring #garyhasbiggestsword #actionrpg #rpg #firstrun
App first run, quarantine and translocation
#com.apple.quarantine #translocation #Technology #Gatekeeper #quarantine #firstrun #Monterey #security #macOS12 #Macs
#com #translocation #technology #Gatekeeper #quarantine #firstrun #Monterey #security #macOS12 #macs
Don’t run that app where it landed: how translocation can cause crashes
#translocation #Technology #quarantine #firstrun #security #crash #macOS #Macs
#translocation #technology #quarantine #firstrun #security #crash #macos #macs
Oggi pomeriggio si è conclusa, in #firstrun, l'avventura con Dungeon Master
Ho sudato ben più di qualche camicia ma la voglia di rigiocarlo, e di scoprire altri giochi del genere è molto alta