Documento. Mars Polar Lander/Deep Space 2 First Signal. NASA Facts
#marspolarlander #firstsignal #nasafacts
#Desakato, #Radiocrimen y #Ghost
#ElVueloDelFénix #Radio3 #Rock #Música
Hoy escuchamos: Radiocrimen- Dios ha muerto, Desakato- La cura, Desakato- Nuestro legado, Ghost- Jesus he knows me, #Enforcer- Coming alive, Enforcer- Nostalgia, #AlterBridge- Holiday, #FirstSignal- Shoot the bullet, #Creye- Air, #Vypera-Hey you, #Winger- It all comes back around, #Lordi- Dead again Jayne, #LordoftheLost- Leaving the planet earth.
#desakato #radiocrimen #ghost #elvuelodelfenix #radio3 #rock #musica #enforcer #alterbridge #firstsignal #creye #vypera #winger #lordi #lordofthelost