God of unveiled truth,
faithful flame
in times of darkened sun and waning moon:
lift up our unknowing hearts,
and waken our sleeping love
to announce the coming dawn
of unexpected peace. AMEN.
— Steven Shakespeare
#firstsundayofadvent #christian #christianprayer
RT Diana Butler Bass
“The four weeks lift up theological themes related to endings — death, judgment, heaven, and hell. As such, Advent was a season of penitence and warning, of confession and fasting, like a 'little Lent.' This reading of Advent emerged in the early Middle Ages, reaching its zenith of spiritual popularity — perhaps not unsurprisingly — in the decades of the Black Death.”
#christian #advent #firstsundayofadvent #catholic
RT Nadia Bolz-Weber
“But maybe when our opinions and neurosis and pride and expectations about who we are and what we’ve done and who has hurt us and what we deserve die down…maybe when we just shut the hell up and sit in this quiet of Advent we might begin to see where something else is possible. Something holy and waiting to be born in an unlikely time and place much like the birth of Jesus itself.”
#advent #firstsundayofadvent #christmasseason
For the First Sunday of Advent we’re listening to Voices At The Door - Midwinter Songs And Carols (2006, CD) with Coope Boyes & Simpson With Jo Freya, Fi Fraser And Georgina Boyes by candlelight.
#CoopeBoyesAndSimpson #VoicesAtTheDoor
#HappyAdvent #FroheAdventszeit #FirstSundayofAdvent #Advent2022
#Advent #GermanCustoms #FamilyTraditions 🕯️
#CoopeBoyesAndSimpson #VoicesAtTheDoor #HappyAdvent #FroheAdventszeit #firstsundayofadvent #advent2022 #advent #GermanCustoms #familytraditions