"The future man, whom the scientists tell us they will produce in no more than a hundred years, seems to be possessed by a rebellion against human existence as it has been given, a free gift from nowhere (secularly speaking), which he wishes to exchange, as it were, for something he has made himself."
Well that doesn't happen every day: American bishop accuses American archbishop of spreading heresy.
#PillarCatholic has some background: https://www.pillarcatholic.com/the-shot-heard-round-the-conference-and-being-last/
#catholic #church #firstthings #pillarcatholic
via #FirstThings: We've received a lot of criticism for being "politically ineffective" and "not even having any clear policy goals."
But a mere three and a half years after #SohrabAhmari's #seminal work, "Against David French-ism," an #Oklahoma bill has given us a proposed legal definition of #DragQueenStoryHour. Take that naysayers!
#firstthings #sohrabahmari #seminal #Oklahoma #dragqueenstoryhour #integralism
Recently author George Weigel recounted an interview with Benedict XVI; Weigel asked: "Why is Thérèse of Lisieux a Doctor of the Church?" First Things has granted us permission to publish excerpts.
:blobcatcoffee: Learn why!
#PopeBenedictXVI #StThereseOfLisieux #DoctorOfTheChurch #FirstThings #interview #GeorgeWeigel #Catholic #Carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #georgeweigel #interview #firstthings #doctorofthechurch #stthereseoflisieux #popebenedictxvi
"The longing of Christians in exile is not primarily for a physical place of security. Our longing is fulfilled when we see Jesus coming in clouds with power and glory (cf. Mark 13:26).
At no time of the Christian year do we experience our homelessness more acutely than at Advent. Holding out for Christmas, we cry out for Jesus to end our exile—to be our final home."
- Hans Boersma, "Homeless in Advent," in First Things (12/1/20)
"In 1966, Paul VI, “disturbed and saddened” by a deluge of requests for monastic orders to use the vernacular, issued Sacrificium Laudis, which made it clear that he would not grant such permissions. Paul complained that such requests ignored clear teaching from the pope and from the Second Vatican Council (which said: “In accordance with the centuries-old tradition of the Latin rite, the Latin language is to be retained by clerics in the divine office”)."
That's from a book review entitled *Regime Change, American Style* by #ChristopherCaldwell
I've wondered for years if #RichardNixon ordered the burglary, or knew about it in advance. I thought that I just hadn't read enough about #Watergate . Can it really be that we just don't know?
#watergate #richardnixon #firstthings #ChristopherCaldwell
#PatriciaSnow has more mysticism in her little finger than I have in my entire body. Portentous dreams, voices, signs, etc.
"How many roads are there to God?" "As many as there are people," said Cardinal #JosefRatzinger .
#firstthings #converts #church #catholic #JosefRatzinger #PatriciaSnow
Remembering Fr. Reginald Foster (1939-2020) | John Byron Kuhner | #FirstThings
Therapeutic Superstition by #DavidBentleyHart | Articles | #FirstThings
"Sometimes it is difficult to exaggerate how strange, barbaric, and superstitious an age ours really is."
A story (true, DBH dixit) of a man who saw #fairies.
Via #RodDreher
#roddreher #fairies #firstthings #DavidBentleyHart