After years of trying, 6 cycles of iui & 3 ivf transfers, we are finally due to get our miracle in February 2024.
I am looking for suggestions of recommended reading for #pregnacy & #FirstTimemum s
In particular, any recommendations to do with being #Pregnant & #Autistic, #Bipolar &/or aged 40+ would be appreciated.
#pregnacy #firsttimemum #pregnant #Autistic #bipolar #BookRecommendations #MentalHealth #firsttimemom
Nov 24, 2022
Freezing rain patters outside
Snow and ice unite
And inside--
Your head rests
Heavy on my arm
Your hand wraps
Around my belly
We fit together
Locked in embrace
Made by one another
#MotherAndBaby #VerseThursday #poem #mom #motherbabydyad #firsttimemom #MyPoem #MyWriting
#motherandbaby #VerseThursday #poem #mom #motherbabydyad #firsttimemom #MyPoem #mywriting
Der Kindergeburtstag war erfolgreich! Es hat niemand geweint, nichts und niemand ist kaputt gegangen und alle hatten Spaß. Glaube ich. 😅✨👌🏻
#firsttimeMom #eltern
Okay so #pregnancybrain makes it hard to be consistent with social media, but him here, lol.
#pregnancybrain #firsttimemom #paganmom
Freezing rain patters outside
Snow and ice unite
And inside--
Your head rests
Heavy on my arm
Your hand wraps
Around my belly
We fit together
Locked in embrace
Made by one another
#MotherAndBaby #VerseThursday #poem #mom #motherbabydiad #firsttimemom
#motherandbaby #VerseThursday #poem #mom #motherbabydiad #firsttimemom