Okay ...
the film was as bad and as entertaining as I expected.
But I didn´t expect the "rat vs penis"-fight while the credits roll
#FirstTimeWatch #BeyondReAnimator
#Horror #ReAnimator #FilmMastodon #BadMovies
#badmovies #FilmMastodon #reanimator #horror #beyondreanimator #firsttimewatch
Finally finishing that loose trilogy about Dr. Herbert West
#NowWatching "Beyond Re-Animator" (2003) by Brian Yuzna
#FilmMastodon #reanimator #horror #firsttimewatch #nowwatching
Let´s see what all the fuss is about
#NowWatching "Terrifier" (2016)
#terrifier #FilmMastodon #horror #firsttimewatch #nowwatching
#FirstTimeWatch for both of us. Being 80s kids, we're not sure how we missed it.
Always a big fan of Goldie Hawn being her adorable self. Chevy Chase played a surprisingly small role. Dudley Moore had the funniest bits. The miscommunication gags were pretty good as well.
Foul Play (1979) #70sMovies #Comedy #GoldieHawn #ChevyChase #DudleyMoore
#dudleymoore #ChevyChase #GoldieHawn #comedy #70smovies #firsttimewatch
Spotted this one on #PrimeVideo and I've not watched it before, so thought I would give it a watch. #DontBlink #NowWatching #FirstTimeWatch #FilmMastodon https://amzn.to/3TIXwXi
#primevideo #DontBlink #nowwatching #firsttimewatch #FilmMastodon
#NowWatching SLAUGHTER OF THE VAMPIRES (1962) w/ @TenCraftsmen.
#FirstTimeWatch #HorrorFam #HorrorMovies #MutantFam #HorrorFamily #HorrorCommunity #SlaughterOfTheVampires
#nowwatching #firsttimewatch #horrorfam #horrormovies #mutantfam #horrorfamily #horrorcommunity #slaughterofthevampires
#NowWatching ASSIGNMENT TERROR (1970) aka DRACULA VS FRANKENSTEIN w/ @TenCraftsmen.
#FirstTimeWatch #HorrorFam #MutantFam #HorrorMovies #HorrorFamily #HorrorCommunity #AssignmentTerror #Horror
#nowwatching #firsttimewatch #horrorfam #mutantfam #horrormovies #horrorfamily #horrorcommunity #assignmentterror #horror
#NowWatching RETURN OF THE BLIND DEAD (1973) w/ @TenCraftsmen.
#FirstTimeWatch #HorrorFam #MutantFam #HorrorMovies #HorrorFamily #HorrorCommunity #ReturnOfTheBlindDead
#nowwatching #firsttimewatch #horrorfam #mutantfam #horrormovies #horrorfamily #horrorcommunity #returnoftheblinddead
#NowWatching PHANTOM OF THE MALL: ERIC’S REVENGE (1989) w/@TheTenCraftsmen.
#FirstTimeWatch #HorrorFam #MutantFam #HorrorFamily #HorrorCommunity #HorrorMovies #PhantomOfTheMall
#nowwatching #firsttimewatch #horrorfam #mutantfam #horrorfamily #horrorcommunity #horrormovies #phantomofthemall
#NowWatching DON’T GO INTO THE WOODS…ALONE (1981) w/ @TenCraftsmen #FirstTimeWatch #HorrorFamily #HorrorMovies #HorrorFam #DontGoIntoTheWoodsAlone
#nowwatching #firsttimewatch #horrorfamily #horrormovies #horrorfam #dontgointothewoodsalone
Not sure if #filmMastodon is a thing, or if folks even use hashtags here, but here's tonight (drunk) #firsttimewatch
#NowWatching BEYOND THE DARKNESS (1979) w/ my cat Peanut. Hope he doesn’t get too scared. #BeyondTheDarkness #HorrorFam #FirstTimeWatch #HorrorMovies
#nowwatching #beyondthedarkness #horrorfam #firsttimewatch #horrormovies