The nod to Groundhog Day in S3E11 of Supernatural ("Mystery Spot) is lots of fun. The humor's much darker, but delightful none the less.
#firsttimewatching #supernatural #tvshow
Gonna keep adding to the list. Trying to knock out one #firsttimewatching reaction each month. Ill get #thecrow on YouTube in a couple of weeks.
Anyone else have some good ideas for movies I should watch for the first time? #firsttimewatching #thecrow #thebirdcage
#firsttimewatching #thecrow #TheBirdcage
We have a goal to watch the entire Wes Anderson catalog of zany, beautiful movies, most of which we have never seen before.
#FirstTimeWatching Rushmore (1998)
We have a goal to watch the entire Wes Anderson catalog of zany, beautiful movies, most of which we have never seen before.
#FirstTimeWatching Rushmore (1998)