Misleading Mormon Thoughts On The First Vision Since 1970
Find the full article text, screenshots and analysis at https://wasmormon.org/misleading-thoughts-on-the-first-vision-from-1970/
#exmo #exmormon #lds #mormon #firstvision #josephsmith
Other First Visions, Which are Not of This Fold
"First Vision" of Norris Stearns, 1815 is very similar to Joseph Smith's alleged "First Vision" of 1820, which was not recorded until 1830 and not heard about by anyone until 1838... Plagiarism much?
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#faithcrisis #deconstruction #theophany #prophet #plagiarism #postmormon #wasmormon #shelfbreaker #shelf #exmo #exmormon #churchhistory #lds #mormon #firstvision #norrisstearns #josephsmith