My daughter has her first three spoken words!
They are, in order of acquisition:
1) Bird -- it sounds like bok bok bok
2) The sound a dog makes -- it sounds like RAAAAAAWWWR
3) Yeah -- it sounds like "yeah"
#futureveterinarian #woof #firstwords #toddler #Baby
Die ersten Wörter einer neuen Geschichte zu schreiben, hat wirklich etwas von einer Schiffstaufe. 🥰 #FirstWords #WritersLife #Writing #Author #Fantasy #Imagination #Stories #Books
#firstwords #writerslife #writing #author #fantasy #imagination #stories #books
RT @esaoperations
Our 35 and 4.5 metre antennas in New Norcia, Australia, have now moved into position: pointing at the region of the sky they expect to receive #AcquisitionOfSignal from #ESAJuice in ~ 10 mins
#spaceonearth #estrack #firstwords #esajuice #acquisitionofsignal
Hello. First posting around here…? Might be a bit late to the party. #FirstWords