And I know it's an utterly stupid #firstWorldProblem and that there's way worse happening to so many people all around the world, but what do you want, there's days where it's easier to feel indignation for small stupid things like that that happen to you than to big cruel things happening farther...
Just a meh day, I guess.
@starshaped I personally feel the same way. Thankfully my Wife tends to go more often than I do but it feels like cognitive overload when I do.Perhaps there are just too many choices to make after a long work day 🙄 That said this is definitely a #firstworldproblem
I hate shopping as it is, but I LOATHE shopping and not finding what I went out looking for. What a frustrating #firstworldproblem.
Ha már #lego, hogyan kell értelmesen rengeteg (de tényleg sok!) elemet úgy szortírozni, hogy könnyű legyen újra elrakni és a gyerek is értse. #firstworldproblem #howto
#lego #firstworldproblem #howto
Af en toe een stevig #firstWorldProblem is goed voor de westerse ziel, vind ik.
Mijn nieuwe horlogebandje past niet op m'n sporthorloge. Goed voor mijn persoonlijk groei, jammer voor mijn polsen waar het hypo-allergene standaardbandje blaren op veroorzaakt.
This morning, I had the worst avocado toast that exists - probably in the world - and it's almost 10 pm, and I'm still thinking about how bad it was. It was so bad that I needed to tell somebody, and that somebody is you. Thank you for bearing witness to this #FirstWorldProblem.
Win valuable prizes by correctly guessing which channel or platform the #Yankees game is on on any given night! #firstworldproblem
@Tim_Eagon a true #FirstWorldProblem - though I’m known to have that problem.
On the road for work. Leave the phone in the rental car and the car boils in the heat.
The phone is a) my map back to the hotel, b) how I'm remembering the address to the hotel, and c) how I would look up the address if I couldn't remember it, and now it's thermal-throttled to oblivion....
#redundancyisyourfriend #singlepointoffailure #firstworldproblem
#redundancyisyourfriend #singlepointoffailure #firstworldproblem
I keep trying to understand whether there's any bottlenecks in my #Linux PC. Am I maxing out the CPU regularly? Am I limited by I/O or RAM or clock speed?
But I've got too many cores to cleanly work out what's going on!
Also, if my CPU core is under-clocked (current freq < max freq), that _should_ be good, because it doesn't need to work hard. But I'm seeing max clock speed drop over time in a game. Which feels like thermal throttling?
Trying to decide on which to lay some dough out for... Custom Chucks (I love this burnt orange color) or the new #Everton third GK kit. Both are 🧑🍳💋 but There Can Be Only One. #FirstWorldProblem
I'd get more use out of the shoes, but I haven't treated myself to a Jersey in awhile.
Oh groan! we've entered the dreaded "What do you want for your #birthday ? period.
I never know what I want, but always know when it is "just-right"
The worst thing with the rain is that the water inhibits the touch on the phone, so it's hard to change a setting or a podcast! 🤣
Viimeyönä tuli nukuttua #stanan huonosti ja levottomasti. Nyt mietin, että yrittäiskö ottaa alle tunnin päikkärit vai yrittäiskö sinnitellä reilu 3h, jotta voin panna maaten?
Päikkäreisä on riski, ettei alta tunti riitä alkuunkaan ja jäläkimmäisesä vaihtoehosa on, että herään aamuyöllä viimeistään kolomen pintaan. #firstworldproblem #päikkärit #päiväunet #väsymys #huonostinukuttuyö
#stanan #firstworldproblem #paikkarit #paivaunet #vasymys #huonostinukuttuyo
@Steeph haalt het niet bij een militaire oefening op de Ginkelse hei. 6 uur lang Apaches die elkaar aflossen op ca 100 meter boven mijn tuin. Het zijn erg stille heli's maar zo laag maken ze veel kabaal. #HowCanIMakeThisAboutMe en #firstworldproblem en zo. Maar idd helicopters boven de wijk zijn irritant.
#howcanimakethisaboutme #firstworldproblem
#firstworldproblem of the day is going for a walk and there's not a square meter without an adjacent bush/tree. They're pretty and all, but trees mean BUGS and I HATE ALL BUGS!
I wish there was a concrete corner or something around here. Even the parking lot for the supermarket is fully green 🥲
#firstworldproblem #stupidwalk
to add to the annoyance of the day I actually had to go into Starbucks to pick up my stuff... the cake pop helped with the stress of the situation #firstworldproblem 😝
Trying out a new heel. A boxed short row heel. Aside from knitting it 1.5 times because the needles fell out whilst I was vacating the flat for the cleaners (#FirstWorldProblem), I'm really pleased with the fit compared to a standard short row heel.
#knitting #KnittersOfMastodon #FiberCrafts #FibreCrafts
#fibrecrafts #fibercrafts #knittersofmastodon #knitting #firstworldproblem
Keine einfache Zeit für #Sportnerds wie mich aktuell. Irgendwie ist alles verfügbar, aber fast nie aus Kundensicht gedacht und angeboten. #sportnerd #sport #firstworldproblem
#sportnerds #sportnerd #sport #firstworldproblem