On the way to #EFYE2023 - can’t remember how many EFYE conferences I’ve been to (all of them!!) but this will be my first visit to Dundee. Looking forward to great conversations, lots of #learning and lots of fun - plan to toot interesting ideas if I can find a minute! #firstYearExperience #studentTransitions #higherEd
#efye2023 #learning #firstyearexperience #studenttransitions #highered
European First Year Experience Conference June 27-29 Dundee, Scotland. Early Bird Registration price ends Fri 31st March! 🐦 (can still book normal delegate rate after 31st) https://onlinestore.abertay.ac.uk/product-catalogue/conferences-and-events/conferences/european-first-year-experience-efye-conference-2023 Note earlybird discount only available on full delegate rate. Student rate & day rate is a standard rate. #efye2023 #firstYearExperience #studentTransitions #higherEd
#efye2023 #firstyearexperience #studenttransitions #highered
Interesting data - The voice of #firstinfamilystudents on #universityentry #firstyearexperience #transitions #highered #higheredaccess #firstsofeverything https://theconversation.com/they-dont-expect-a-lot-of-me-they-just-want-me-to-go-to-uni-first-in-family-students-show-how-we-need-a-broader-definition-of-success-in-year-12-196284
#firstinfamilystudents #universityentry #firstyearexperience #transitions #highered #higheredaccess #firstsofeverything
#EFYE 2023 (European #FirstYearExperience Conference) will be @AbertayUni 27-29 June. Proposals are invited based upon 2023 conference theme: 'Discovery and Design for Academic & Social Success' #studentSuccess #highered #learning&teaching #studentsupport https://efye.abertay.ac.uk/call-for-proposals/
#efye #firstyearexperience #studentsuccess #highered #learning #studentsupport
@tonahangen - nice idea, thanks for sharing #firstyearexperience #scaffolding #visualisation
#firstyearexperience #scaffolding #visualisation
Just to put it out there - a few hashtag interests, which might lead me to post at some point and therefore (one hopes) connect. These are in addition to the ones in my bio, and in no particular order: #highered #heteaching #embroidery #reading #writing #academia #thirdspace #circledance #folkdance #yorkshire #firstyearexperience
#highered #heteaching #embroidery #reading #writing #academia #thirdspace #circledance #folkdance #yorkshire #firstyearexperience