Outrageous! #FISA702 #IllegalSurveillance #SavageRevelation #OversteppingLimits #RenewalRejected - The FBI's blatant disregard for civil liberties is an affront to the rule of law. This violation of our rights must not be tolerated, and the renewal of this law must be rejected. http://www.techmeme.com/230520/p6#a230520p6
#fisa702 #illegalsurveillance #savagerevelation #oversteppinglimits #renewalrejected
Very interesting if #FISA702 ends up not being reauthorised by the US Congress because Republicans fear illegal surveillance by the Biden administration..🤣 https://www.nytimes.com/article/warrantless-surveillance-section-702.html This would be totally ironic since FISA 702 was introduced by the G.W. Bush administration to replace an illegal surveillance programme after 9/11. But go for it, US Republicans, it's never to late to stop mass surveillance!
#OVH and #Google stop their collaboration in the #cloud. This is likely a new example how the digital sovereignty issue can make derail cooperation between US and Europe business, as far as US keep their intelligence prerogatives under the #FISA702 https://www.channelnews.fr/ovh-rompt-son-partenariat-avec-google-cloud-119339
RT @maxschrems
The new "Data Protection Review Court" is in essence a 'rubber stamp', find an in depth analysis on redress under the Executive Order by the @ACLU's @ashgorski here:
#privacyshield #fisa702 #SchremsII #nsa #gdpr #surveillance
RT @maxschrems
Austrian DPA: Use of #GoogleAnalyticy violates #GDPR and #SchremsII ruling by CJEU. "Supplementary Measures" by Google not sufficient to overcome @NSAGov surveillance (#FISA702 / EO12.333).
#fisa702 #SchremsII #GDPR #GoogleAnalyticy #PrivacyBREAKING
RT @maxschrems@twitter.com
Austrian DPA: Use of #GoogleAnalyticy violates #GDPR and #SchremsII ruling by CJEU. "Supplementary Measures" by Google not sufficient to overcome @NSAGov@twitter.com surveillance (#FISA702 / EO12.333).
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/maxschrems/status/1481547817701289985
#PrivacyBREAKING #GoogleAnalyticy #gdpr #SchremsII #fisa702
RT @maxschrems@twitter.com
Austrian DPA: Use of #GoogleAnalyticy violates #GDPR and #SchremsII ruling by CJEU. "Supplementary Measures" by Google not sufficient to overcome @NSAGov@twitter.com surveillance (#FISA702 / EO12.333).
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/maxschrems/status/1481547817701289985
#PrivacyBreaking #GoogleAnalyticy #SchremsII #gdpr #fisa702
RT @maxschrems
Austrian DPA: Use of #GoogleAnalyticy violates #GDPR and #SchremsII ruling by CJEU. "Supplementary Measures" by Google not sufficient to overcome @NSAGov surveillance (#FISA702 / EO12.333).
#PrivacyBreaking #GoogleAnalyticy #gdpr #SchremsII #fisa702
RT @interchu@twitter.com
La @cnil@twitter.com bavaroise (BayLDA) a estimé que l’utilisation de l’outil de newsletter @Mailchimp@twitter.com était illégale au regard de la loi américaine sur la surveillance.
RT @interchu@twitter.com
La @cnil@twitter.com bavaroise (BayLDA) a estimé que l’utilisation de l’outil de newsletter @Mailchimp@twitter.com était illégale au regard de la loi américaine sur la surveillance.
La @CNIL bavaroise (BayLDA) a estimé que l’utilisation de l’outil de newsletter #Mailchimp était illégale au regard de la loi américaine sur la surveillance.
RT @maxschrems
BREAKING: The EU's Court of Justice has just invalidated the "Privacy Shield" data sharing system between the EU and the US, because of overreaching US surveillance. All details available here: http://www.noyb.eu/cjeu
#PRISM #FISA702 #Privacy #PrivacyShield #SCCs #GDPR #CJEU
#cjeu #GDPR #sccs #PrivacyShield #privacy #fisa702 #prism
RT @maxschrems@twitter.com
BREAKING: The EU's Court of Justice has just invalidated the "Privacy Shield" data sharing system between the EU and the US, because of overreaching US surveillance. All details available here: http://www.noyb.eu/cjeu
#PRISM #FISA702 #Privacy #PrivacyShield #SCCs #GDPR #CJEU
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/maxschrems/status/1283669789181960197
#cjeu #gdpr #sccs #privacyshield #privacy #fisa702 #prism
The Onion reflects on Congressional Democrats' decision this week to join with Republicans in expanding the White House's unconstitutional warrantless wiretapping program. #FISA702 https://t.co/mXR8JrT62s
House renews #NSA #FISA702 spying powers. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-congress-surveillance/house-passes-nsa-spying-bill-after-trump-tweets-cause-confusion-idUSKBN1F01XD