New fiscal dashboard proposed by NPI and Senator Kuderer goes live for Washingtonians
Prepared by the Legislative Evaluation and Accountability Program (LEAP) and the Office of Financial Management (OFM), the Budgeting for Washington's Future fiscal dashboard provides useful, truthful, and accurate information about state revenue and expenditures, as required by the legislation we created to get rid of Tim Eyman's push polls.
#fiscalresponsibility #budgeting
Les enjeux fiscaux du #numérique au #Liban
Par Karim DAHER
Dans un contexte aussi particulier que celui que traverse actuellement le pays du Cèdre, où l’élargissement de la base d’imposition se mue en priorité nationale et même internationale, il est donc particulièrement opportun de se poser la question suivante : le développement du numérique au Liban est en lui-même un outil d’inclusion ou d’exclusion fiscale ?
#fiscalresponsibility #gafam
#numerique #Liban #fiscalresponsibility #gafam
U.S. Senate passes its version of the 2024 NDAA, with PNW Democrats split yea and nay
The bill, which passed 86-11, would authorize appropriations for fiscal year 2024 for military activities of the Department of Defense and for military construction.
#Budgeting #EffectiveProcurement #FiscalResponsibility #StrongCommonwealth
#strongcommonwealth #fiscalresponsibility #effectiveprocurement #budgeting
Austerity is not a popular position. The Tories themselves abandoned it and won the 2019 election with a promise to level up. Yet Starmer claims Labour, currently enjoying a roughly twenty point lead, can't win without adopting it. Of course he's doing this because of that poll lead
#Labour #Tories #KeirStarmer #SirKidStarver #Austerity #FiscalResponsibility #GE2024
#ge2024 #fiscalresponsibility #austerity #sirkidstarver #keirstarmer #tories #labour
House Republicans seek billions in cuts to rail, water infrastructure spending
Ultra MAGA lackeys of Donald Trump who currently control the United States House of Representatives want to force the Senate and the Biden administration to reverse the investments made to Amtrak and clean drinking water infrastructure as part of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which is unacceptable to Democrats.
#strongcommonwealth #fiscalresponsibility
I zapped the bar code with my Zoe App and its rating for me (people with better glucose clearance would do a bit better) was extremely poor 13/100. It would save #NHS billions if #thefoodindustry were prevented from peddling such dishonest messaging! Would Starmer’s @UKLabour do anything about it? Don’t hold your breath even though it would be a sign they really understood their beloved #fiscalresponsibility
#nhs #thefoodindustry #fiscalresponsibility
Putting a right wing poll of Washington State under the microscope: An evaluation of Echelon/Future42’s spring 2023 survey
This detailed analysis examines the flaws of a statewide public opinion research survey released by a right wing group in Washington State in late June of 2023.
#Budgeting #FiscalResponsibility #PollWatch #StrongCommonwealth
#strongcommonwealth #pollwatch #fiscalresponsibility #budgeting
There is no #FiscalResponsibility in the #gop - it's all #FiscalViolence.
#fiscalresponsibility #gop #fiscalviolence
Repealing the Inflation Reduction Act would drive the economy into a ditch
#TheHill #InflationReductionAct #EconomicPolicy #FiscalResponsibility #GovernmentRegulation #NationalDebt #Politics #News
#thehill #InflationReductionAct #economicpolicy #fiscalresponsibility #governmentregulation #nationaldebt #politics #news
"Fiscal Credibility" the new Labour word for "austerity". Even the Tories have admitted that austerity wasn't necessary, but no one told Rachel Reeves.
Has she never heard of Modern Monetary Theory?
Does she still think that taxes pay for public spending?
Is she economically illiterate or just dishonest?
#universalchildcare #fiscalresponsibility #RachelReeves #labour #mmt
U.S. Senate sends bill to raise debt ceiling, satisfy Republican ransom demands to Biden
The so-called Fiscal Responsibility Act received yea votes from almost two-thirds of the Senate, passing 63-36. Democratic Senators Elizabeth Warren, Jeff Merkley, Ed Markey, and John Fetterman voted no, along with independent Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont and seventeen Republican senators.
#strongcommonwealth #fiscalresponsibility #budgeting
U.S. House votes to raise debt ceiling, impose Republican-demanded austerity measures
By a vote of 314-117, the House adopted the so-called Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, which "increases the federal debt limit, establishes new discretionary spending limits, rescinds unobligated funds, and expands work requirements for federal programs," as summarized by Congress' official legislative website.
#strongcommonwealth #fiscalresponsibility #budgeting
Ocasio-Cortez says she’s voting against debt limit bill
#TheHill #OcasioCortez #DebtLimit #USCongress #Voting #GovernmentSpending #NationalDebt #EconomicPolicy #FiscalResponsibility #Politics #News
#debtlimit #uscongress #voting #governmentspending #nationaldebt #economicpolicy #fiscalresponsibility #politics #news #thehill #ocasiocortez
Quite a few Republican representatives are not happy with the debt ceiling deal, and one vowed not to 'bankrupt our country'
#BusinessInsider #DebtCeilingDeal #RepublicanRepresentatives #NationalDebt #USPolitics #FiscalResponsibility #Politics #News
#businessinsider #debtceilingdeal #republicanrepresentatives #nationaldebt #uspolitics #fiscalresponsibility #politics #news
Biden, McCarthy say they’ve reached a deal to respond to Republicans’ ransom demands
The White House announced late Saturday night that it has reached a deal with Kevin McCarthy and his deputies in the United States House of Representatives to avert a fiscal crisis that Republicans have been enthusiastically prepared to manufacture by refusing to provide the votes needed to raise the debt ceiling.
#strongcommonwealth #fiscalresponsibility #budgeting
GOP turned down White House offer to freeze spending
#AxiosNews #GOPBudgetFreeze #WhiteHouseOffer #NationalDebtCeiling #FiscalResponsibility #USGovernmentSpending #Politics #News
#axiosnews #gopbudgetfreeze #whitehouseoffer #nationaldebtceiling #fiscalresponsibility #usgovernmentspending #politics #news
Biden can, and should, ignore the GOP’s debt suicide attempt
#TheHill #BidenDebtPlan #GOPDebtSuicide #USNationalDebt #EconomicRecovery #FiscalResponsibility #Politics #News
#thehill #bidendebtplan #gopdebtsuicide #usnationaldebt #economicrecovery #fiscalresponsibility #politics #news
Republicans walk out of debt ceiling talks, say White House isn't being 'reasonable'
#CNBCnews #DebtCeilingTalks #RepublicanWalkout #WhiteHouseNegotiations #ReasonableDemands #FiscalResponsibility #NationalDebtCrisis #Politics #News
#cnbcnews #debtceilingtalks #republicanwalkout #whitehousenegotiations #reasonabledemands #fiscalresponsibility #nationaldebtcrisis #politics #news
RT @NadiaCalvino
Economic growth and job creation accelerated in Spain in 1Q2023.
This positive scenario, combined with #FiscalResponsibility, will allow us to reach the 3% deficit-to-GDP target in 2024, one year ahead of schedule.
This is the safest strategy to ensure #sustainablegrowth.
#fiscalresponsibility #sustainablegrowth
ECB President Lagarde Warns of ‘Major Disaster’ If US Defaults on Debt Obligations - There is a lot of discussion lately about the U.S. government’s debt ceiling and w... - #intragovernmentalholdingentities #houseofrepresentatives #internationalrelations #extraordinarymeasures #fiscalresponsibility #europeancentralbank #economicsuperpower #financialstability #governmentdefault
#governmentdefault #financialstability #economicsuperpower #europeancentralbank #fiscalresponsibility #extraordinarymeasures #internationalrelations #houseofrepresentatives #intragovernmentalholdingentities