BB Itsa Boi · @Babyitsaboi
3 followers · 182 posts · Server

Got lucky and found some more panda loaches and got some more cardinal tetras for the planted tank! It's fully stocked now and the plants are looking better after their first week or so of being planted. The scarlet temple is starting to brighten up and I'm keeping with a schedule of fertilizing once a week with water changes, iron 2 a week but half dose until I see how the red plants react. Want to add some moss on the spider wood too, but I have to figure out what kind I want.

#fishdad #aquariumlife

Last updated 2 years ago

BB Itsa Boi · @Babyitsaboi
3 followers · 172 posts · Server

It's started! Fingers crossed that the plants will happily grow and it will look better and better as it lives longer!

Everything looks extremely happy with the scape and the betta has already explored all the little holes and caves and crannies <:

#fishdad #aquariums

Last updated 2 years ago

BB Itsa Boi · @Babyitsaboi
3 followers · 169 posts · Server

Been stalking this website for a new friend to go in the 90 gallon and I FOUND THEM! I ordered them and they should be here next week cause they only ship out monday-wednesday. They are so beautiful!!!!

#fishdad #aquarium

Last updated 2 years ago

BB Itsa Boi · @Babyitsaboi
3 followers · 158 posts · Server

I was supposed to do the dishes but my hubby was nice to me and did them while I started working on the new tank. Checked to make sure it held water, cleaned all the sad left over skeletons of those poor cichlids. Had some trouble getting the canister filter working and realized that the guy had given me a new gasket for it and I swapped that out and it worked perfectly.

So excited to get some substrate on Saturday, then I can order some PLANTS!!! Though I can't get too excited because I am already scheduled to work the whole weekend so we'll see if I'm going to get anything done. Maybe I can sneak a trip into my LFS to find a perfect piece of wood to go into the new tank. And scope out whether they have some celestial pearl danios cause damn am I stoked to be adding those to the community.

#fishdad #aquarium

Last updated 2 years ago