#DerelictBoats are a big problem and certainly added to her weight count.
#FishersIsland is really out there so its surprising there would be so much trash.
Friend sent this great article about picking up plastic trash on #FishersIsland https://us2.campaign-archive.com/?e=ed8c945602&u=7c733794100bcc7e083a163f0&id=72600743be . Interesting that Fishers Island is home to Fishers Island Oyster Farm (https://www.fishersislandoysters.com/) where the family of the main guy at #BillionOysterProject lives.and works.
#billionoysterproject #fishersisland
NYT Architecture : A Vacation Home Where You Don’t Have to Entertain https://www.nytimes.com/slideshow/2023/05/19/realestate/a-vacation-home-where-you-dont-have-to-entertain.html #RealEstateandHousing(Residential) #InteriorDesignandFurnishings #HomeRepairsandImprovements #RestorationandRenovation #FishersIsland(NY) #Architecture #Furniture
#realestateandhousing #interiordesignandfurnishings #homerepairsandimprovements #restorationandrenovation #fishersisland #architecture #furniture
Today's Lighthouse....
#RaceRockLighthouse is located on #RaceRockReef, southwest of #FishersIsland, #NewYork in #LongIslandSound. It was built between 1871 and 1878 in a Gothic style. The lighthouse is believed to be haunted and was featured on an episode of "Ghost Hunters".
See it here: https://tinyurl.com/fht9dnp5
#Photography #ArtMatters #BuyintoArt #AYearforArt #interiordesign #WallArt #Prints #puzzles #Fedigifshop #lighthouse
#racerocklighthouse #racerockreef #fishersisland #newyork #longislandsound #photography #artmatters #buyintoart #ayearforart #interiordesign #wallart #prints #puzzles #fedigifshop #lighthouse