#Migration of my #FishingKnots app from #XamarinForms to #dotNET #MAUI is coming along nicely.
The most changes were Namespaces and the common things for switching from #MVVMLight to the #CommunityToolkit #MVVM, plus some minor changes to my already ported private #NuGet packages.
Count is down from above 1500 errors.
#migration #fishingknots #xamarinforms #dotnet #MAUI #mvvmlight #communitytoolkit #mvvm #nuget #DevLife
- Porting my private #XamarinForms libraries to #dotnet #MAUI ✅
- Setting up a #GithubAction to create #NuGets ✅
Now trying to upgrade my #FishingKnots app with the upgrade assistant. Could be fun on #macOS.
#xamarinforms #dotnet #MAUI #githubaction #nugets #fishingknots #macos #DevLife #geeklife