RELEASE: #DDoSecrets has published the #Fishrot files
Approximately 75,000 files and emails from Samherji, exposing corruption in the fishing industry in a scandal extending from Iceland to Namibia, Norway and beyond. Since 2019, the Fishrot Files have kicked off a series of investigations and trials that are continuing into 2023.
The emails, reports, documents, presentations and photos dating between 2010 and 2016 expose Samherji's use of bribery and false promises to control the fishing industry, with company operations in Canada, the Faroe Islands, France, Iceland, Germany, Namibia, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and the U.K. The dataset is more than twice the size of what was previously released by #WikiLeaks.
To help support this and other DDoSecrets projects, donate at
#ddosecrets #fishrot #wikileaks
Corruption in Iceland - what, *Iceland*? - over fishing #fishrot #scandal
Ongoing trials resulting from #Fishrot expose by WikiLeaks and partners in 2019 which detailed corruption and how western companies worked with local figures to loot fisheries in Namibia @TheNamibian
Ongoing trials resulting from #Fishrot expose by WikiLeaks and partners in 2019 which detailed corruption and how western companies worked with local figures to loot fisheries in Namibia @TheNamibian
Curiouser & curiouser! Connection between #Cashgate & #Fishrot (latter revealed by #WikiLeaks)
Despite promises to build infrastructure and provide jobs in Namibia in exchange for lucrative fishing contracts, Samherji actually funnelled millions of dollars out of the country, analysis of documents revealed by WikiLeaks show #Fishrot #COP26
Documents revealed by WikiLeaks in 2019 exposed how foreign fishing company Samherji spent $millions in pay-offs to senior Namibian officials & politicians in order to ensure growing and continued access to the country's valuable fishing waters #fishrot
WikiLeaks #fishrot whistleblower Mr Stefansson wins the prestigious WIN WIN Gothenburg Sustainability Award 2021. This years award is recognising individuals and organisations that fight corruption.
One year since published over 30000 #Fishrot documents! Very big thanks to and #wikileaks for the very good, professional and brave work on the Fishrot stories!
NRK: "DNB waited several years before closing disputed accounts" (Norwegian)
Fourteen hours after WikiLeaks’ release of the Fishrot files two Namibian government ministers are forced to resign.
#fishrot #samherjakjolin
Norway's DNB to investigate allegedly improper Icelandic payments to Namibia. #fishrot #samherjaskjolin #kveikur
#fishrot #samherjaskjolin #kveikur
Namibian Minister of Justice and Minister of Fisheries forced to resign today following WikiLeaks’ Fishrot Files release. #fishrot #samherjagognin #TheNamibian
#fishrot #samherjagognin #TheNamibian
"Isländsk fiskejätte använde mutor och flyttade 650 miljoner i skatteparadis genom DNB NOR"(Swedish). #fishrot #samherjakjolin
"What Samherji Wanted Hidden - For the past decade Samherji has paid ISK hundreds of millions to high ranking politicians and officials in Namibia with the objective of acquiring the country’s coveted fishing quota."
"An Icelandic fishing company
bribed officials in Namibia and used
Norway's largest bank to transfer
70 million dollars to a tax haven". #fishrot #samherjaskjolin
Release: Fishrot Files. 30323 documents in a searchable database. #fishrot, #samherjaskjolin
Stundin Newspaper; "Samherji pays hundreds of millions in bribes to get fishing quota in Namibia" (Icelandic)
#fishrot, #samherjasjolin
"What Samherji Was Hiding" (Icelandic). #fishrot, #samherjaskjolin
Icelandic Investigative Program Kveikur.