Must-Read für Daredevil Fans
#Daredevil #Blindspot #Bullseye #CharlesSoule #Collection #Comic #Comicbook #Comicbuch #Comics #DieHand #Elektra #Fisk #Foggy #Hardcover #Kingpin #Lesen #Marvel #MattMurdock #Meinung #Muse #PurpleChildren #Review #Rezension #Tenfinger #Test #Testbericht #Wertung #WilsonFisk
#daredevil #blindspot #bullseye #charlessoule #collection #comic #comicbook #comicbuch #comics #diehand #elektra #fisk #foggy #Hardcover #kingpin #lesen #marvel #mattmurdock #meinung #muse #purplechildren #review #rezension #tenfinger #test #testbericht #Wertung #wilsonfisk
Noen som kjenner seg igjen? #fiske #fisking #fisk #allheimen #Norsktut
#fiske #fisking #fisk #allheimen #Norsktut
Fisk VFR Approach Control on a foggy morning. #Aviation #osh23 #flying #ATC #AirTrafficControl #aircraft #fisk
#aviation #osh23 #flying #atc #airtrafficcontrol #aircraft #fisk
Enjoyed “Fisk” on Netflix. Funny, quirky, great dog.
The title image Netflix is using is completely weird and unhelpful, though she does enjoy cereal. The show is about the woman in the picture, but mostly it’s her being a lawyer in a small quirky firm that deals with wills and probate. She’s recently divorced and sort of trying to figure out what she’s doing with her life.
The category listed is “Courtroom TV”. Literally zero courtrooms occur. (Also: no Spider-Man)
ABC celebrates winning five LOGIE AWARDS in 2023
#ABC #AustralianStory #CrazyFunPark #Fisk #ForeignCorrespondent #LogieAwards #TonyArmstrong
#abc #australianstory #crazyfunpark #fisk #foreigncorrespondent #logieawards #tonyarmstrong
Part 2 of THE LINCOLN LAWYER, new season of HEARTSTOPPER, and HEART OF STONE starring GAL GADOT, plus more, this August on NETFLIX
#fisk #nailedit #netflix #suicidesquad #TheLincolnLawyer
Sweet high hairdo’s and cans of hairspray… Roz has been nominated for a Silver Logie.
Never in her wildest dreams!
Thank you #FISK for the opportunity 📺🥂
If you feel so inclined you can vote here on this link…
Okay it's not genius, but in search of a serviceable half-hour comedy (because I binged #Unstable in like two days seems like), I think I will stick with #ColinFromAccounts.
- original meet cute
- wacky age gap (#GenX jokes a plus)
- building pretty good chemistry
- injured pet as McGuffin / straight man
- Australia! No, it's not as great as #Fisk, but what is?
#unstable #colinfromaccounts #genx #fisk #tv #amwatching #sitcom
Vi er på jakt etter en kandidat til ph.d.-stilling i #ferskvannsøkologi om #fisk i #vannkraftmagasiner. Kjenner du noen som er interessert? Søknadsfrist 15. februar.
#ferskvannsokologi #fisk #vannkraftmagasiner #forskning #ledigjobb #phd #vannkraft #naturforskning
First HBCU Gymnastics Team Slayed Their Debut Meet | #historicallyblackcollegesanduniversities #desmondarmstrong #corrinnetarver #jessicaenderle #fiskuniversity #kennyanderson #deionsanders #morganprice #gymnastics #volleyball #thencaa #soccer #sports #ncaa #fisk #nfl #nba
#historicallyblackcollegesanduniversities #desmondarmstrong #corrinnetarver #jessicaenderle #fiskuniversity #kennyanderson #deionsanders #morganprice #gymnastics #volleyball #thencaa #Soccer #sports #ncaa #fisk #nfl #nba
#Fisk #University Makes #NCAA #Gymnastics Debut #Nashville #BlackTwitter #Tennessee #Nash
#nash #tennessee #blacktwitter #nashville #gymnastics #ncaa #university #fisk
Et tips om du er glad i fisk og har dårlig råd: sushi-restauranter må kaste store mengder å skjær som egentlig er nydelig å lage suppe på. Om du har en lokal restaurant, hør om de kan legge av noe avskjær til deg. Reduserer matsvinn, er billig og godt!
#IkkeKastMat #Matsvinn #StoppMatsvinn #Fisk #Økonomitips
#ikkekastmat #matsvinn #stoppmatsvinn #fisk #okonomitips
So many college and high school teams have a bulldog as their mascot. Who doesn't love that sour mug and wrinkly face? Here is our most popular (so far for 2022 at least) Bulldog Santa design...
#ArtMatters #FediGiftShop #Bulldogs #GoBulldogs #GoDawgs #UGA #Georgia #Georgetown #Gonzaga #Yale #FerrisState #FresnoState #LouisianaTech #Wingate #TLU #SWOSU #TWU #UNCAsheville #SCState #Drake #Bryant #Redlands #MississippiState #Samford #Fisk #Citadel #DeSales
#desales #citadel #fisk #samford #mississippistate #redlands #bryant #drake #scstate #uncasheville #TWU #swosu #tlu #wingate #louisianatech #fresnostate #ferrisstate #yale #gonzaga #georgetown #georgia #uga #godawgs #gobulldogs #bulldogs #fedigiftshop #artmatters
Just watched the last episode of #Fisk season two. So good from first to last episode!
This was the standout episode in a series of diamonds.
Wills and probate, angertainment tv hosts, singing emergencies and some characters I'm sure I've met in real life.
Love, love, love this series so very much.
More please. 🙏🏽 #Fisk
Nooooo... only one more ep of #Fisk and it'sover for the year. . Boohoo, I want to watch it every week forever.