Depois do Karma a Fisker tenta reinventar-se como uma marca 100% elétrica e atualmente já comercializa um modelo produzido na Áustria pela Magna - o Ocean. Mas um modelo não basta e depois de anunciar o pequeno crossover urbano Pear para 2025 a Karma apresenta 2 novos modelos completamente diferentes que devem chegar ao mercado até 2026: um descapotável e uma pickup compacta! #FiskerOcean #FiskerPear #fiskeralaska #fiskerronin
#fiskerocean #fiskerpear #fiskeralaska #fiskerronin
Fisker debuts an entire range of new EVs, including one sub-$30,000 - Enlarge / Unfortunately, this is the only photo of the new EVs that Fisker cho... - #cheapelectriccar #electrictruck #fiskeralaska #henrikfisker #fiskerocean #fiskerronin #fiskerpear #evpickup #cheapev #fisker #cars
#cars #fisker #cheapev #evpickup #fiskerpear #fiskerronin #fiskerocean #henrikfisker #fiskeralaska #electrictruck #cheapelectriccar
Ars Technica: Fisker debuts an entire range of new EVs, including one sub-$30,000 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #cheapelectriccar #electrictruck #FiskerAlaska #HenrikFisker #FiskerOcean #FiskerRonin #FiskerPEAR #EVpickup #cheapEV #Fisker #Cars
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #cheapelectriccar #electrictruck #fiskeralaska #henrikfisker #fiskerocean #fiskerronin #fiskerpear #evpickup #cheapev #fisker #cars
Good morning Fediverse.☀️
For those #Fisker fans, I just got an email that the #FiskerOcean deliveries in the US will start in June and I can’t wait.
In the meantime, here's a morning floofy smile from Jonesy who deserves all the belly rubs.
#thursdaymotivation #fiskerocean #fisker
I did the thing! 😊💙
#FiskerFam #Fisker #FiskerOcean #FiskerOceanExtreme #Sustainability #EVs #CleanFutureForAll #ClimateAccoubtability #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #ClimateTech
#climatetech #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #climateaccoubtability #cleanfutureforall #evs #sustainability #fiskeroceanextreme #fiskerocean #fisker #fiskerfam
Confirmation that my build is locked and that I have a number for my Fisker. #fiskerocean I’ve not been this engaged in a purchase for a long time. Delivery expected Q2.
It’s looking like Fisker has started locking builds for the ocean. It’s supposed to be 2 weeks from lock to delivery (or so) which puts the first ones on the road very soon.
Im a q1 delivery, but haven’t gotten my email yet. Very excited about this. #fiskerocean #ev #notatesla
Now, just waiting for my Fisker Ocean Extreme. They’ll start delivering in February, as soon as they get the green light from the gov. The Ocean Ones are the first to go, the Extremes will follow probably anywhere between March and July. The Ultra and the Sports are sold out for the next two years. I’m so excited, words cannot express.
#Fisker #FiskerFam #FiskerOcean #CleanFutureForAll #Sustainability
#sustainability #cleanfutureforall #fiskerocean #fiskerfam #fisker
I switched car insurance today, and when I called Tesla to acknowledge and cancel my current policy, the rep asked why.
I said, “Tired of Elon’s BS, pardon my language.” The guy blew a sigh, which translated to what could only be categorized as the same frustration all of us feel.
Then, he said, “That's understandable.”
I felt bad for him and everyone in his position. They are taking in the heat for that nincompoop’s guileful actions.
Can’t wait for my #FiskerOcean.
@ad4m @tdp That’s just for starters. Don’t even get me started on the space and special Doggy window!🥹 I can go on and on.
#fiskerfam #fiskeroceanone #fiskerocean #fisker #tacotray
@ad4m @tdp it’s rated the most sustainable vehicle ever made. Every part is made of recycled materials. Plastic, nets and other ocean rubbish for the interior. Recycled carbon fiber, tires and battery are the first of their kind, also from recycled materials.
To make it even better, Henrik is working w/small companies around the world who are making sustainable parts. The Ocean One & Extreme come w/a solar roof that can generate about extra 2k mpy.
@tdp Fvck the Capitalist in chief of that company. I cannot wait for February when I get details of my #FiskerOcean. Now, if people only invested in #Fisker.😩
Also, F**k #Rivian. I invested a good amount of capital in it instead of putting it on Fisker. I regret!
@kane_buddha @neurobongo SOP was today. I already got an email that they should be getting gov approval by February and start delivering #FiskerOcean Ones along with the Extreme then. The Ultra and Sport will begin production in July ‘23 slated for delivery in 2024.
#CleanFutureForAll #Fisker #FiskerFam #FiskerOcean #Sustainability #EV #ElectricCar #SustainableDesign
#sustainabledesign #electriccar #ev #sustainability #fiskerfam #fisker #cleanfutureforall #fiskerocean
@neurobongo but, I cannot wait to get rid of it. I hate it being seeing on it bc I do believe ppl may think I endorse what the CEO is selling as of late. I’m counting the days to next week when #Fisker starts production of my car. #FiskerOcean
@neurobongo Disagree on one thing.
I own a #Tesla, but I did not buy it for luxury or for looking cool. I did it for ethical reasons. Also, I don’t subscribe to the CEO’s BS. He is the main reason why I just reserved a #FiskerOcean, besides #Fisker is #themostsustainablecar on the planet.
TBF, the EV has paid for itself, especially during the pandemic. And with gas prices as high as they are, we’ve traveled unhindered all over the US and CA on a fraction of the cost.
#themostsustainablecar #fisker #fiskerocean #Tesla
@tylrprtr I saw it at Pebble Beach. It was gorgeous. Can’t wait for mine to get here. #Fisker #FiskerOcean #FiskerFam #FiskerSOP #Sustainability #EV #ElectricVehicles
#ElectricVehicles #ev #sustainability #fiskersop #fiskerfam #fiskerocean #fisker
I’m surprised to see there’s not one server for #Fisker owners. Maybe I should open one. 🤔 #FiskerOcean #FiskerFam #FiskerOceanOne #Sustainability #CleanFutureForAll #EVs
#evs #cleanfutureforall #sustainability #fiskeroceanone #fiskerfam #fiskerocean #fisker