Nucléaire : deux nouvelles fissures marquent le retour du phénomène de « fatigue thermique » #france #nucléaire #centrale_nucléaire #réacteur_nucléaire #edf #asn #fissure #sous_paywall #fatigue_thermique #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #fatigue_thermique #sous_paywall #fissure #asn #edf #reacteur_nucleaire #centrale_nucleaire #nucleaire #france
Centrales nucléaires : deux nouvelles fissures découvertes par EDF #france #nucléaire #centrale_nucléaire #réacteur_nucléaire #edf #asn #fissure #sous_paywall #1st_revue #0_archivebox #2nd_frm
#2nd_frm #0_archivebox #1st_revue #sous_paywall #fissure #asn #edf #reacteur_nucleaire #centrale_nucleaire #nucleaire #france
À l’Assemblée nationale, le camp Macron se #fissure au grand jour
I've seen a bunch of mentions of fissures that are up to a few meters across, but pretty much nothing on the one that is about 200 meters across.
This is a screenshot from a video from NTV, a Turkish TV channel. Is NTV a reliable source?
#turkey #earthquake #fissure #rift
A new live view of the #MaunaLoa #eruption from “a camera mounted to the "coude roof" of the UH 2.2m Telescope on Maunakea. It is pointing SSW at Mauna Loa, centered on the #Fissure 3 activity (as of Dec 1).” provides a nice wide overview of the area.
Over on the bird site my TL has changed less ppl on there and just news sites and porn. Except for one guy who’s suffering from a fissure but that’s about it. #fissure
#ICYMI Large fissure opens up in Grímsfjall, Iceland #fissure #crack #Grímsvötn #Grímsfjall #volcano #Iceland #GrandSolarMinimum
#grandsolarminimum #iceland #Volcano #Grímsfjall #Grímsvötn #crack #fissure #icymi
#ICYMI Large fissure opens up in Grímsfjall, Iceland #fissure #crack #Grímsvötn #Grímsfjall #volcano #Iceland #GrandSolarMinimum
#grandsolarminimum #iceland #Volcano #Grímsfjall #Grímsvötn #crack #fissure #icymi
La vie à travers un pare-brise fendu, bientôt sur vos écrans.
#parebrise #voiture #photographie #art #contemporain #parking #vie #quotidien #fissure #windshield #car #photography #contemporaryart #life #everyday #crack #photographe #occitanie #france #french #photographer
#photographer #french #france #occitanie #photographe #crack #everyday #life #contemporaryart #photography #car #windshield #fissure #quotidien #vie #parking #contemporain #art #photographie #voiture #PareBrise