After sitting on my ass for an entire week (because of a writing intensive), I started back at the gym today, walked ~11km, and then wrote a new chapter for my book. I just clued in how shagged out I am. #WritingLife #FitAfter50
Friday night workout in the books. A personal best according to my watch.
60 curl and lifts on the mace bell and 3x15 minutes with the mace.
Felt it.
Another #walkofshame back home after I strained my calf #running again. This is the second strain on this same calf in short order. I started to notice slight discomfort on my interval and I had just decided to cut it short before it stopped me.
I hope I've learned my lesson. I'll set my #ego aside, let it heal, rework my #training plan and ease back into things more slowly. I thought it was fine ... until it wasn't.
#walkofshame #running #ego #training #justkeepmoving #fitafter50 #bestlaidplans #practice
Switching up gym routines. After 26 weeks, it's time for something new.
Full bidy push-pull. Basically, each day I add legs to the push and the pull. I don't have time to spend more than 4x a week at the gym. Keeps me consistent and not skipping days. The other three days cardio. Cycling or running.
Have a Happy New Year.
Oh, I still plan to attempts the 6 minute mile before years end . Wish me luck.
#fitafter50 #homeworkouts #heath #fitness #youtubefitness #running #cycling
#fitafter50 #homeworkouts #heath #fitness #youtubefitness #Running #cycling
I'm stumbling into Week 9 of my new #running practice. Last week's #skiing trip and Saturday's minor calf strain delayed starting my #training week. Slow, steady and no serious injury is the goal. The run interval duration is increasing but I continue #walking.
I'm happy to see the snow and ice gone. A #Chinook finally arrived to blow it away.
#fitness #FitAfter50.
#running #skiing #training #walking #chinook #fitness #fitafter50
Christmas is coming so naturally here is my YouTube subscriber number 😈🤷🤔
#FitAfter50 #health #fitness
Doing what the rest of the world is doing now!
#fitafter50 #health #fitness #football
#fitafter50 #health #fitness #football
Not too bad for 51 😜
#health #fitness #core #abs
#fitafter50 #homeworkouts #youtubeFitness
#health #fitness #core #abs #fitafter50 #homeworkouts #youtubefitness
For the first time in a long time I felt like I was running today.
10-15 minute WU
6x2 min at 9.5mph, rest 1 min
10 min CD
Felt great to get some turnover into those tired legs.
#running #fitafter50 #treadmill #winterrunning #runtraining #6minutemile #runfaster
#Running #fitafter50 #treadmill #winterrunning #runtraining #6minutemile #runfaster
@Calgarygirl2023 Keep it up! Keep running!
#fitafter50 #Running #health #fitness #decembergoals
I am going to film Thursday's workout video tonight. Anything in particular you guys want to see? Dumbbells, bands, HIIT, core, etc.
Take note that I film in a small basement space and have limited equipment. Also, like to keep it about 20 min long.
I am open to suggestions.
#fitafter50 #homefitness #homeworkout #hiit #cardio #hometraining #aerobics
#fitafter50 #homefitness #homeworkout #hiit #Cardio #hometraining #aerobics
One day I will get these without using my arms for help. Work in progress.
#fitafter50 #nordiccurl #fitness #health #workout #weightlifting #training #homeworkout #youtubefitness
#fitafter50 #nordiccurl #fitness #health #workout #weightlifting #training #homeworkout #youtubefitness
@coachmattfried no rules really. I have a good relationship with food. When I want to gain weight like now I add a few 100 cal to my daily intake. When I want to shed the weight I subtract a few 100.
I eat what I want when I want to eat it.
I understand that I am not the norm as I don't have a hard time putting the fork down.
Yes, I count calories. It's easy for me however.
#heath #fitness #eatinghabits #fitafter50
Time to start Zwifitng again soon. Got a used WattBike Pro at auction for $300.00.
I have not been on Zwiftnin a long, long time.
#zwift #cycling #indoorcycling #health #fitness #fitafter50 #fitnesshub
#zwift #cycling #indoorcycling #health #fitness #fitafter50 #fitnesshub
Hey guys I have a new kettlebell workout out. Wait! You don't have a kettlebell? No worries, this workout substitutes one for a dumbbell.
The workoutbis only about 15 minutes long and it is a fun and challenging way kithe the week off with.
Thanks for watching! Subscribing up to you.🙂
#fitafter50 #homeworkouts #health #fitness #homefitness #kettlebell #dumbbell #workout #hometraining
#fitafter50 #homeworkouts #health #fitness #homefitness #kettlebell #dumbbell #workout #hometraining
Another day another run building up to that 6 minute mile at the end of the year.
Today's workout in the picture below.
Felt half way decent 🙂
#running #6minutemile #fitafter50 #youtubefitness #health #fitness #fitnessafter50
#cardio #treadmill
#Running #6minutemile #fitafter50 #youtubefitness #health #fitness #fitnessafter50 #Cardio #treadmill
These type of comments on my workout videos are the reason why I continue to keep and pursue my YouTube channel. The link to the channel is in my profile here.
#fitafter50 #fitness #cardio #strength #strengthtraining #weightlifitng #weightrainig #health #wellbeing #youtube #youtubeFitness
#fitafter50 #fitness #Cardio #strength #strengthtraining #weightlifitng #weightrainig #health #wellbeing #youtube #youtubefitness
The workout I was editing yesterday is up on the channel now.
20 minute intervals. 5 exercises with the work interval increasing my 10 seconds with each subsequent set.
Give it a shot!
There I solved your workout search for the day 😉
Filmed, editing by your truly from the comfort of my own little basement workout space.
#fitafter50 #heath #fitness #homeworkouts #hometraining #running #cycling #ironman #140.6 #carsio #aerobics #buroees
#fitafter50 #heath #fitness #homeworkouts #hometraining #Running #cycling #ironman #carsio #aerobics #buroees
It's going to be able night as I just started to edit tomorrow workout video. Oh, did I mention that I have a YouTube channel (link in my profile) and I post home workout videos every Monday and Thursday. HIIT workout, core, cardio, etc. Seriously, if you cannot find a workout that is between 5-30 minutes long. Give my channel a browse.
I don't care if you don't subscribe. You are not doing this for my health 😜
#fitafter50 #hometraining #homeworkouts #cardio #health #dumbbells #healthyliving
#fitafter50 #hometraining #homeworkouts #Cardio #health #dumbbells #healthyliving
Today's treadmill run went well. Well, I did not blow my knee out. 🤦🤷. Next run is on Saturday and I will be upping the interval pace to 6:30/mile. Good times!
#running #fitafter50 #homeworkout #youtubefitness #fitness #health #runtraining
#runfaster #workout #hometraininh
#Running #fitafter50 #homeworkout #youtubefitness #fitness #health #runtraining #runfaster #workout #hometraininh