Booty Shorts Blackbeard, #OurFlagMeansDaddy jacket, Grande Domme Izzy, and Evelyn Higgins drag from ECCC23.
#ourflagmeansdaddy #fitcheckfriday #havingaweek #ofmd
#HavingAWeek #FitCheckFriday
My one true love, aka the #ofmd bird robe I made with the help of heaps of audacity, clever internet makers, and a shockingly small amount of skill
#havingaweek #fitcheckfriday #ofmd
To round off #HavingAWeek with #FitCheckFriday, here's some Lighthouse/Kraken nail stamping I did last year and keep meaning to do again.
Honestly, I am constantly repping #OFMD, in my T-shirt during casual times and in my necklace while at work. #FitCheckFriday #HavingAWeek
#ofmd #fitcheckfriday #havingaweek
And last but (maybe) not least, #FitCheckFriday on Friday!
My Lucius costume that won a Best Character award last Halloween, and me showing off my fabulous booty shorts 🤣
#HavingAWeek #FitCheckFriday i dont have any good pics of my mcm cosplay on my new phone so have my barbie fit ❤️
#fuckface #c2e2 #fitcheckfriday #ofmd #ofmdau #pinacoladassmau #ofmdcosplay
#FitCheckFriday cosplay edition #HavingAWeek #OFMD
#fitcheckfriday #havingaweek #ofmd
#FitCheckFriday for #HavingAWeek ! Here's me on the JoCo Cruise in my best 1730's outfit.
Bonus picture of Queen Anne the pufferfish all dolled up to see Barbie. She is beauty, she is grace.
#HavingAWeek For #FitCheckFriday I submit my cold weather Ed cosplay, my warm weather Ed cosplay, and the outfit I'm wearing right now lol (yes I made two robes, one is velvet and one is poly crepe, I am incredibly extra)
#FitCheckFriday oh babes I was BORN for this one 😌 we have the outfit I seduced Nate in, plus some of the highlights from MCM (I don’t always wear leather it just looks soooo good on me) #HavingAWeek
I don't have any OFMD-specific outfits but I do regularly dress as a pirate and have done for a good few years so...
These stretch back to 2009. You will notice that the basic structure of the outfit doesn't really change, but if you have a good corset, why not re-use it endlessly?
(Also didn't realise how fun writing image desciptions could be until now. Just lost so much time to poking fun at past!me for her weird photo choices.)
Well it DEF wouldn't be #FitCheckFriday if I didn't bust out my CJ cosplay now would it? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 #HavingAWeek #CalicoJack #ofmd #OurFlagMeansDeath
#fitcheckfriday #havingaweek #calicojack #ofmd #ourflagmeansdeath
I know what it says under #FitCheckFriday but y'know what, screw it.
If you just wanna just show off favorite thing you wear or a time your outfit was bomb as fuck and you were SERVING, then go for it.
Doesn't matter if it's on #ofmd theme or not, just do what makes you happy.
We're here to have fun, so do what's fun. Anyway, it's Friday somewhere! #HavingAWeek @ofmd
#fitcheckfriday #ofmd #havingaweek
Can we start a trend called Fitcheck Friday. Show me that casual Friday fit. Or that Friday evening dinner fit. Or any fit at all. Join me in making this a thing? Boost and start posting. (Also yes I know it’s Thursday but by the time the hashtag is trending it’s probably Friday) #fitcheckfriday